- high velocity
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
high-velocity — adjective operating at high speed a high speed food processor a high velocity shell • Syn: ↑high speed • Similar to: ↑fast * * * highˈ velocˈity adjective (of shells) propelled at high speed with low trajectory … Useful english dictionary
High velocity human factors — (HVHF) is a paradigm in the human factors sciences that specifically studies human performance in mission critical domains (MCD), such as military combat, law enforcement, fire fighting, etc., when it experiences nonequilibrium. The domain in the … Wikipedia
High-velocity oxy-fuel coating — High velocity oxy fuel (HVOF) coating is a thermal spray technique used to deposit protective coatings on a substrate.A blend of fuel (gaseous or liquid) and oxygen is injected into a torch and burned. The combustion products flow through a… … Wikipedia
High Velocity Bowling — Infobox VG title=High Velocity Bowling developer=Sony Computer Entertainment publisher=Sony Computer Entertainment designer= engine= released=flagicon|USA December 6th 2007 flagicon|Europe December 7th 2007 flagicon|UK May 6th 2008… … Wikipedia
High-velocity star — A high velocity star is a star moving faster than 65 km/s to 100 km/s (definitions vary) relative to the average motion of the stars in the Sun s neighbourhood. The velocity is also sometimes defined as supersonic relative to the surrounding… … Wikipedia
high-velocity drop — A drop procedure in which the drop velocity is greater than 30 ft per second (i.e., a low velocity drop, and lower than a free drop velocity). In a high velocity drop, conventional parachutes cannot be used, and other methods of retarding and… … Aviation dictionary
high-velocity impact spatter — A bloodstain pattern caused by a high velocity force characterized by a mistlike dispersion which, owing to the low density of the blood particles, has traveled only a short distance in flight. A high velocity impact is considered to be… … Forensic science glossary
high velocity drop — išmetimas dideliu greičiu statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Metimo būdas, kai kritimo greitis yra didesnis negu 30 pėdų per sekundę, bet mažesnis negu laisvojo kritimo greitis. atitikmenys: angl. high velocity drop pranc. largage à vitesse de… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
high velocity drop — A drop procedure in which the drop velocity is greater than 30 feet per second (low velocity drop) and lower than free drop velocity. See also airdrop … Military dictionary
high-velocity particles — subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons, and deuterons, given high speeds in an accelerator … Medical dictionary
High-Velocity Missile — n. HVM, missile that travels at high speeds, missile that travels fast … English contemporary dictionary