
гексаэдрит (железный метеорит)
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "hexahedrite" в других словарях:

  • Hexahedrite — Hexahedrites are a type of iron meteorite. They are composed almost exclusively of the nickel iron alloy kamacite, and are lower in nickel content than the Octahedrites. The name comes from the cubic (i.e. hexahedron ) structure of the kamacite… …   Wikipedia

  • Kamacite — is a mineral. It is an alloy of iron and nickel, usually in the proportions of 90:10 to 95:5 although impurities such as cobalt or carbon may be present. On the surface of Earth, it occurs naturally only in meteorites. It has a metallic lustre,… …   Wikipedia

  • Météorite ferreuse — Chupaderos, de classe IIIB, découverte à Jimenez (Chihuahua) (en), Mexique. Les météorites ferreuses sont …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Neumann lines — in a iron meteorite Neumann lines, or Neumann bands, are fine patterns of parallel lines seen in cross sections of many hexahedrite iron meteorites in the kamacite phase, although they may appear also in octahedrites provided the kamacite phase… …   Wikipedia

  • Widmanstätten pattern — Widmanstätten patterns, called also Thomson structures, are unique figures of long nickel iron crystals, found in the octahedrite iron meteorites and some pallasites. They consist of a fine interleaving of kamacite and taenite bands or ribbons… …   Wikipedia

  • Neumann line — Neumann lines, or Neumann bands, are fine patterns of parallel lines seen in cross sections of many hexahedrite iron meteorites in the kamacite phase, although they may appear also appear in octahedrites provided the kamacite phase is about 30… …   Wikipedia

  • Ataxite — La météorite d Hoba, en Namibie, est un exemple d ataxite. Article principal : Météorite ferreuse. Les ataxites sont, en astronomie, une classe de météorites ferreuses. Sommaire …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Kamacite — Un morceau de météorite contenant de la kamacite et de la taénite. Le kamacite est un minéral, alliage de fer et le nickel, le plus souvent dans les proportions de 90:10 à 95:5 bien que des impuretés telles que le cobalt ou le carbone puissent y… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • гексаэдрит — Железный метеорит. [Англо русский геммологический словарь. Красноярск, КрасБерри. 2007.] Тематики геммология и ювелирное производство EN hexahedrite …   Справочник технического переводчика

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