- heterogeneous material
неоднородное вещество
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Material properties (thermodynamics) — Thermodynamics … Wikipedia
On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances — In the history of thermodynamics, On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances is a 300 page paper written by American mathematical engineer Willard Gibbs. It is one of the founding papers in thermodynamics, along with German physicist Hermann… … Wikipedia
Homogeneity and heterogeneity — For other meanings of heterogeneity, homogeneity, and related words, see Heterogeneity (disambiguation) and Homogeneity (disambiguation). Clam chowder, a heterogeneous material Homogeneity and heterogeneity are concepts relating to the uniformity … Wikipedia
Micromechanics — (or, more precisely, micromechanics of materials) is the analysis of composite or heterogeneous materials on the level of the individual constituents that constitute these materials. Contents 1 Aims of micromechanics of materials 2 Analytical… … Wikipedia
sample preparation — ▪ chemistry Introduction in analytical chemistry (chemistry), the processes in which a representative piece of material is extracted from a larger amount and readied for analysis. Sampling and sample preparation have a unique meaning and special … Universalium
Carbon nanotube — Not to be confused with Carbon fiber. Part of a series of articles on Nanomaterials Fullerenes … Wikipedia
Regolith — (Greek: blanket rock ) is a layer of loose, heterogeneous material covering solid rock. It includes dust, soil, broken rock, and other related materials and is present on Earth, the Moon, some asteroids, and other planets. The term was first… … Wikipedia
LEVITICUS RABBAH — LEVITICUS RABBAH, one of the oldest Midrashim extant, probably composed in the fifth century in Palestine. Like other ancient Midrashim it has many passages in Palestinian Aramaic and contains a considerable number of Greek and Latin words. Many… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Olistostrome — Roadside cross section of a large olistolith in the ophiolithic melange, Western Vardar Ophiolithic Unit of Serbia The term olistostrome is derived from olio a dish of many ingredients or stew; a mixture of heterogeneous elements; hodgepodge. and … Wikipedia
Collagen — Tropocollagen triple helix Collagen /ˈkɒlədʒɨn/ is a group of naturally occurring proteins found in animals, especially in the flesh and connective tissues of mammals.[1] It is the main component of connectiv … Wikipedia
Prokletije — Albanian: Bjeshkët e Namuna/Alpet Shqiptare Range … Wikipedia