- herringbone structure
• колосовидная перистая структура• структура "рыбного скелета"
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
колосовидная перистая структура (геол.) — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN herringbone structure … Справочник технического переводчика
Dairy farming — Dairy farm redirects here. For the retail company in Asia, see Dairy Farm International Holdings. A rotary milking parlor in an industrial dairy facility, located in Germany Dairy farming is a class of agricultural, or an animal husbandry,… … Wikipedia
Dairy — For other uses, see Dairy (disambiguation). A dairy farm near Oxford, New York in the United States. A dairy is a business enterprise established for the harvesting of animal milk mostly from cows or goats, but also from buffalo, sheep, horses or … Wikipedia
pyroxene — pyroxenic /puy rok sen ik/, adj. /puy rok seen, peuh , puy rok seen /, n. any of a very common group of minerals of many varieties, silicates of magnesium, iron, calcium, and other elements, occurring as important constituents of many kinds of… … Universalium
Haie de Cornouailles — Route encaissée entre deux haies de Cornouailles La haie des Cornouailles (en anglais Cornish hedge, litt. « haie cornique ») est une haie bâtie que l’on rencontre dans les Cornouailles, région du sud ouest de l’Angleterre. Elle… … Wikipédia en Français
Beaker culture — The Bell Beaker culture (sometimes shortened to Beaker culture, Beaker people, or Beaker folk; de. Glockenbecherkultur), ca. 2800 ndash; 1900 BC, is the term for a widely scattered cultural phenomenon of prehistoric western Europe starting in the … Wikipedia
North Witham — Coordinates: 52°47′08″N 0°37′34″W / 52.7855°N 0.6260°W / 52.7855; 0.6260 … Wikipedia
Silk — This article is about a natural fiber and the textile woven from it. For other uses, see Silk (disambiguation). Four of the most important domesticated silk worms, together with their adult moth forms, Meyers Konversations Lexikon (1885 1892)… … Wikipedia
Crape — Detail of a Kimono Crape (an Anglicized version of the Fr. crêpe [1]) is a silk, wool, or polyester fabric of a gauzy texture, having a peculiar crisp or crimpy appearance. (The word crape is also used as an Anglicized spelling of … Wikipedia
Heatsetting — Heat setting is a term used in the textile industry to describe a thermal process taking place mostly in either a steam atmosphere or a dry heat environment. The effect of the process gives fibers, yarns or fabric dimensional stability and, very… … Wikipedia
Nationality Rooms — Coordinates: 40°26′40″N 79°57′12″W / 40.444426°N 79.953423°W / 40.444426; 79.953423 … Wikipedia