- heliographic latitude
• гелиографическая широта• солнечная широта
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
heliographic — |hēlēə|grafik adjective 1. [French héliographique, from hélio heli (I) + graphique graphic] : of, relating to, or by means of heliography or a heliograph heliographic communication 2. [heli ( … Useful english dictionary
heliographic — adjective Date: 1706 measured on the sun s disk < heliographic latitude > … New Collegiate Dictionary
Heliographic chart — Chart Chart (ch[aum]rt; k[aum]rt Obs.), n. [A doublet of card: cf. F. charte charter, carte card. See {Card}, and cf. {Charter}.] 1. A sheet of paper, pasteboard, or the like, on which information is exhibited, esp. when the information is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
latitude — Synonyms and related words: Antarctic Zone, Arctic Circle, Arctic Zone, Cartesian coordinates, Frigid Zones, Lambert conformal projection, Mercator projection, Miller projection, Torrid Zone, Tropic of Cancer, Tropic of Capricorn, Variable Zones … Moby Thesaurus
Differential rotation in stars — What is differential rotation? *Differential rotation is when a rotating body has different angular velocities at different latitudes and/or depths of the body and/or in time. Differential rotation can be applied to any type of fluid body such as … Wikipedia
Differential rotation — is seen when different parts of a rotating object move with different angular velocities (rates of rotation) at different latitudes and/or depths of the body and/or in time. This indicates that the object is not solid. In fluid objects, such as… … Wikipedia
Aurora (astronomy) — Aurora Borealis redirects here. For other uses, see Aurora Borealis (disambiguation). Aurora Australis redirects here. For the ship, see Aurora Australis (icebreaker). For the book, see Aurora Australis (book). Northern lights redirects here. For … Wikipedia
Heliospheric current sheet — The heliospheric current sheet (HCS) is the surface within the Solar System where the polarity of the Sun s magnetic field changes from north to south. This field extends throughout the Sun s equatorial plane in the heliosphere. [ [http://science … Wikipedia
Edward Walter Maunder — E. Walter Maunder (* 12. April 1851 in London; † 21. März 1928 ebendort) war ein englischer Astronom und Bibelforscher, der insbesondere durch seine Arbeiten zum Sonnenmagnetismus und dessen Einfluss auf die Erde bekannt wurde … Deutsch Wikipedia
E. W. Maunder — Edward Maunder Edward Maunder Edward Walter Maunder, né le 12 avril 1851 à Londres où il est mort le 21 mars 1928, est un astronome anglais, surtout connu pour son étude des taches solaires et du cycle magnétique solaire qui lui permit d… … Wikipédia en Français
Edward Maunder — Edward Walter Maunder, né le 12 avril 1851 à Londres où il est mort le 21 mars 1928, est un astronome anglais, surtout connu pour son étude des taches solaires et du cycle magnétique solaire qui lui permit d identifier la période allant de 1645 à … Wikipédia en Français