height of sublevel

height of sublevel
высота подэтажа

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "height of sublevel" в других словарях:

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  • Level set — In mathematics, a level set of a real valued function f of n variables is a set of the form: { ( x 1,..., x n ) | f ( x 1,..., x n ) = c }where c is a constant. That is, it is the set where the function takes on a given constant value. For… …   Wikipedia

  • Mining in the Upper Harz — The headframe of the Emperor William Shaft in Clausthal is one of the oldest surviving winding towers in Germany …   Wikipedia

  • cave — cavelike, adj. /kayv/, n., v., caved, caving. n. 1. a hollow in the earth, esp. one opening more or less horizontally into a hill, mountain, etc. 2. a storage cellar, esp. for wine. 3. Eng. Hist. a secession, or a group of seceders, from a… …   Universalium

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