height difference

height difference
поправка высот малых вод
поправка высот полных вод

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "height difference" в других словарях:

  • height difference of the trajectory — trajektorijos pakilimo aukštis statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sviedinio (kulkos) trajektorijos aukštis virš taikymo linijos pasirinktu atstumu nuo išlėkimo taško; vienas iš sviedinio (kulkos) trajektorijos parametrų, ypač svarbus šaudant… …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • Difference and Repetition —   …   Wikipedia

  • Difference of two squares — In mathematics, the difference of two squares, or the difference of perfect squares, is when a number is squared, or multiplied by itself, and is then subtracted from another squared number. It refers to the identity from elementary algebra.… …   Wikipedia

  • difference in gun height — pabūklų aukščių skirtumas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Pabūklų absoliučiųjų aukščių virš jūros lygio skirtumas. santrumpa( os) h atitikmenys: angl. difference in gun height rus. разность высот орудий …   Artilerijos terminų žodynas

  • Human height — Tall redirects here. For other uses, see Tall (disambiguation). Human height is the distance from the bottom of the feet to the top of the head in a human body standing erect. When populations share genetic background and environmental factors,… …   Wikipedia

  • Wave height — In fluid dynamics, the wave height of a surface wave denotes the difference between the elevations of a crest and a neighbouring trough.Kinsman (1984) p. 38.] Wave height is a term used by mariners, as well as in coastal, ocean engineering and… …   Wikipedia

  • Geopotential height — is a vertical coordinate referenced to Earth s mean sea level an adjustment to geometric height (elevation above mean sea level) using the variation of gravity with latitude and elevation. Thus it can be considered a gravity adjusted height. One… …   Wikipedia

  • Dynamic height — is a way of specifying the height of a point above a reference, as opposed to orthometric height or normal height. Dynamic height is constant if one follows the same gravity potential as they move from place to place. Because of variations in… …   Wikipedia

  • Diameter at breast height — Diameter at breast height, or DBH, is a standard method of expressing the diameter of the trunk or bole of a standing tree. DBH is one of the most common dendrometric measurements. Tree trunks are measured at the height of an adult s breast,… …   Wikipedia

  • parallax difference — The difference between the absolute stereoscopic parallax at the top of the object and at the bottom of the image. It is represented customarily by the symbol dp. The absolute stereoscopic parallax on truly vertical photographs, taken at the same …   Aviation dictionary

  • Cloud height — The cloud height (or the height of the cloud) is the distance between the cloud base and the cloud top. It is traditionally expressed either in metres or as a pressure difference in hectopascal (hPa, equivalent to millibar). Sometimes, the… …   Wikipedia

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