- hedge hog
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
hedge|hog — «HEHJ HOG, HG», noun, adjective. –n. 1. any one of a group of small insect eating mammals of Europe, Asia, and Africa, with spines on the back. Hedgehogs are active at night. When attacked, a hedgehog rolls up into a bristling ball. 2. the… … Useful english dictionary
hedge·hog — /ˈhɛʤˌhɑːg/ noun, pl hogs [count] : a small, brown animal of Europe, Asia, and Africa that has sharp spines on its back and that can roll itself up into a ball … Useful english dictionary
hog — hedge·hog·gy; hog; hog·gas·ter; hog·ger·el; hog·gery; hog·get; hog·gin; hog·gish; hog·gy; hog·head; hog·ling; hog·man; hog·ma·nay; hog·skin; ma·hog·a·nize; ma·hog·a·ny; qua·hog·ger; shear·hog; bush·hog; hog·ger; qua·hog; hog·gish·ly;… … English syllables
hedge — en·hedge; hedge; hedge·bet·ty; hedge·bote; hedge·hog·gy; hedge·less; … English syllables
Nathan Hedge — Personal information Born 28 May 1979 (1979 05 28) (age 32) Brisbane, Queensland, Australia … Wikipedia
hedgehoggy — hedge·hog·gy … English syllables
hedgehog — hedge·hog (hejґhog) any of a family of proteins, or the homologous genes encoding them, related to the hedgehog gene of Drosophila. The original gene was named for its ability to alter the direction of epidermal bristles, and other genes in the… … Medical dictionary
hedgehog — hedge|hog [ˈhedʒhɔg US ha:g, ho:g] n a small brown European animal whose body is round and covered with sharp needle like ↑spines … Dictionary of contemporary English
hedgehog — hedge|hog [ hedʒ,hɔg ] noun count a small wild animal with a round body covered with sharp SPINES for protection. A hedgehog rolls itself up into a ball when it is threatened … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
hedgehog — hedge•hog [[t]ˈhɛdʒˌhɒg, ˌhɔg[/t]] n. 1) mam any Old World insectivore of the family Erinaceidae, esp. of the genus Erinaceus, having spiny hairs on the back and sides 2) mam the American porcupine 3) mil a) any of various types of defensive… … From formal English to slang
CenturyTel — Infobox Company company name = CenturyTel Inc. company company type = Public (NYSE|CTL) company slogan = Personal touch, advanced communications foundation = 1930 location = Monroe, Louisiana, USA key people = Glen F. Post III, Chairman CEO num… … Wikipedia