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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Borealis quadrangle — The Borealis quadrangle is a quadrangle on Mercury surrounding the north pole down to 65° latitude (see also: geography of Mars).It contains the Goethe Basin, whose diameter of at least convert|400|km|abbr=on makes it the sixth largest impact… … Wikipedia
Michelangelo quadrangle — The Michelangelo quadrangle is in the southern hemisphere of the planet Mercury, where the imaged part is heavily cratered terrain that has been strongly influenced by the presence of multiring basins. At least four such basins, now nearly… … Wikipedia
Syrian Malabar Nasrani — For other uses, see Nasrani (disambiguation). This article deals with the Nasrani People as an ethnic community, for a detailed article on the religious tradition of the Nasrani people; see: Saint Thomas Christians. Syrian Malabar Nasranis … Wikipedia
Victoria quadrangle — The Victoria quadrangle is a region on Mercury from 0 to 90° longitude and 20 to 70 ° latitude. It is designated the H 2 quadrangle, and is also known as Aurora after a large albedo feature.Most of the Victoria quadrangle lies within an area that … Wikipedia
Shakespeare quadrangle — The Shakespeare quadrangle is a region of Mercury running from 90 to 180° longitude and 20 to 70° latitude. It is also called Caduceata.Mariner 10 imagingThe only spacecraft images of Mercury are those taken by the Mariner 10 spacecraft, which… … Wikipedia
Bach quadrangle — The Bach quadrangle encompasses the south polar part of Mercury poleward of latitude 65° S.Mariner 10 photographyAbout half of the region was beyond the terminator during the three Mariner 10 encounters and hence not visible. The entire mapped… … Wikipedia
Nachsynchronisation — Als Synchronisation bezeichnet man in der Filmproduktion das Herstellen eines Gleichlaufs zwischen Bild und Ton. Ebenfalls als Synchronisation wird die nachträgliche Vertonung einer Fremdsprache in die Sprache des Aufführungslandes bezeichnet. In … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tolstoj quadrangle — The Tolstoj quadrangle in the equatorial region of Mercury runs from 144 to 216° longitude and 25 to 25° latitude. It was provisionally called Tir , but renamed after Leo Tolstoy by the International Astronomical Union in 1976. [International… … Wikipedia
Kuiper quadrangle — The Kuiper quadrangle, located in a heavily cratered region of Mercury, includes the young, 55 km diameter crater Kuiper (11° S., 31.5° ), which has the highest albedo recorded on the planet (Hapke and others, 1975), and the small crater Hun Kal… … Wikipedia
Dicom — Digital imaging and commmunications in medicine Une image de médecine nucléaire au format Dicom DICOM (Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine, « imagerie et communication numériques en médecine) est un standard de communication et… … Wikipédia en Français
Digital Imaging and Communications in Medecine — Digital imaging and commmunications in medicine Une image de médecine nucléaire au format Dicom DICOM (Digital Imaging and COmmunications in Medicine, « imagerie et communication numériques en médecine) est un standard de communication et… … Wikipédia en Français