- hag
- 1. зарубка; надрез; засечка || делать зарубку; надрезать 2. отбивать; скалывать
peat hag место вырезки торфа
* * *• зарубать• отбивать
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
hag — hag·berry; hag·don; hag·ga·da; hag·ga·dist; hag·gis; hag·gish; hag·gler; hag·gy; hag·i·oc·ra·cy; hag·i·og·ra·pher; hag·i·o·graph·ic; hag·i·og·ra·phist; hag·i·og·rap·hy; hag·i·ol·a·ter; hag·i·ol·a·trous; hag·i·ol·a·try; hag·i·o·lith;… … English syllables
Hag — Hag: Die germ. Wortgruppe mhd. hac »Dorngesträuch, Gebüsch; Umzäunung, Gehege; ‹umfriedeter› Wald; ‹umfriedeter› Ort«, ahd. hag »Einhegung; Stadt«, daneben asächs. hago »Weideplatz«, engl. haw »Gehege; Hof«, schwed. hage »Gehege; Weide; Wäldchen … Das Herkunftswörterbuch
Hag — 〈m. 1; schweiz.〉 1. eingehegtes Grundstück, umgrenztes Waldgrundstück 2. Hain, kleiner Wald, Gesträuch, Buschwerk (RosenHag) [<ahd. hac, hages „Umzäunung, umzäuntes Grundstück, Hain, Dorngesträuch“; zu idg. *kagh „Flechtwerk, Zaun, mit einem… … Universal-Lexikon
Hag — (h[a^]g), n. [OE. hagge, hegge, witch, hag, AS. h[ae]gtesse; akin to OHG. hagazussa, G. hexe, D. heks, Dan. hex, Sw. h[ a]xa. The first part of the word is prob. the same as E. haw, hedge, and the orig. meaning was perh., wood woman, wild woman.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hag — hag1 [hag] n. [ME hagge, a witch, hag, contr. < OE hægtes < haga, hedge, akin to Ger hexe (OHG hagazussa): sense comparable to ON tūnritha, lit., hedge rider, hence witch] 1. Obs. a female demon or evil spirit 2. a witch; enchantress 3. an… … English World dictionary
Hag|ga|i — «HAG ee y, HAG y», noun. 1. a Hebrew prophet who wrote about 520 B.C. and who urged, with Zechariah, the rebuilding of the temple. 2. a book of the Old Testament attributed to him, placed among the Minor Prophets. Abbr: Hag … Useful english dictionary
Hag — Hag, n. [Scot. hag to cut; cf. E. hack.] 1. A small wood, or part of a wood or copse, which is marked off or inclosed for felling, or which has been felled. [1913 Webster] This said, he led me over hoults and hags; Through thorns and bushes scant … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
HAG — is a Swiss maker of model trains in HO scale. These are high quality trains made of die cast metal with reliable mechanisms. This is the primary manufacturer of Swiss model trains, but they are more expensive than most brands of HO trains,… … Wikipedia
Hag — Sm erw. obs. (8. Jh.), mhd. hac m./n., ahd. hag, hac Stammwort. Sonst mit n Flexion as. hago, hag m.( ?), ae. haga, anord. hagi aus g. * haga /ōn m. Umzäunung (umzäuntes Grundstück, Weideplatz, Hecke) . Außergermanisch vergleicht sich l.… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
Hag — Hag, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Hagged} (h[a^]gd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Hagging}.] To harass; to weary with vexation. [1913 Webster] How are superstitious men hagged out of their wits with the fancy of omens. L Estrange. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
hag — (n.) early 13c., ugly old woman, probably a shortening of O.E. hægtesse witch, fury (on assumption that tesse was a suffix), from P.Gmc. *hagatusjon , of unknown origin. Similar shortening produced Du. heks, Ger. Hexe witch from cognate M.Du.… … Etymology dictionary