- grotto
- грот, небольшая пещера; одна из камер системы пещер
* * *пустота
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Grotto — Morchino, Pazzallo Lugano, in Hermann Hesses Novelle Klingsors letzter Sommer von 1919 erwähnt Als Grotto bezeichnet man in der italienischen Schweiz (Kanton Tessin) ein rustikales Lokal mit grosszügig angelegtem Restaurationsbereich im Freien… … Deutsch Wikipedia
grotto — grot to (gr[o^]t t[ o]), n.; pl. {Grottoes} (gr[o^]t t[=o]z). [Formerly grotta, fr. It. grotta, LL. grupta, fr. L. crypta a concealed subterranean passage, vault, cavern, Gr. kry pth, fr. krypto s concealed, fr. kry ptein to conceal. Cf. {Grot},… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Grotto — Grotto, falsche Schreibweise für Luigi Groto (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
grotto — / grɔt:o/ s.m. [da grotta ]. 1. (non com.) [luogo scosceso] ▶◀ dirupo. ‖ abisso, anfratto, baratro, burrone, precipizio, strapiombo. 2. (estens., region.) [luogo in cui si vende e si beve vino] ▶◀ cantina, osteria … Enciclopedia Italiana
grotto — 1610s, from It. grotta, ultimately from L. crypta vault, cavern, from Gk. krypte hidden place (see CRYPT (Cf. crypt)). Terminal o may be from its being spelled that way in many translations of Dante s Divine Comedy … Etymology dictionary
grotto — has the plural form grottoes … Modern English usage
grotto — [n] cave antre, cavern, cavity, chamber, den, hollow, rock shelter, subterrane, underground chamber; concept 509 … New thesaurus
grotto — ► NOUN (pl. grottoes or grottos) ▪ a small picturesque cave, especially an artificial one in a park or garden. ORIGIN Italian grotta, from Greek krupt vault … English terms dictionary
grotto — [grät′ō] n. pl. grottoes or grottos [It grotta < ML grupta < VL crupta, for L crypta, CRYPT] 1. a cave 2. a cavelike summerhouse, shrine, etc … English World dictionary
Grotto — For other uses, see Grotto (disambiguation). A Marian grotto in Bischofferode (Germany) A grotto (Italian grotta and French grotte ) is any type of natural or artificial cave that is associated with modern, historic or prehistoric use by humans.… … Wikipedia
grotto — grottoed, adj. grottolike, adj. /grot oh/, n., pl. grottoes, grottos. 1. a cave or cavern. 2. an artificial cavernlike recess or structure. [1610 20; < It grotta < VL *crupta, for L crypta subterranean passage, chamber. See CRYPT] * * * ▪ cave… … Universalium