- grid north
• норд картографической сетки• сеточный север
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Grid north — is a navigational term referring to the direction northwards along the grid lines of a map projection. It is contrasted with true north (the direction of the North Pole) and magnetic north (the direction of the Magnetic North Pole). Many… … Wikipedia
grid north — noun The direction northwards along the grid lines of a map projection. The grid north for a particular map is usually chosen so that it deviates very little from the true north … Wiktionary
grid north — The northerly or zero direction indicated by the grid datum of directional reference. Meridian relationship to grid north … Aviation dictionary
grid north — koordinatinio tinklo kryptis į šiaurę statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Kryptis į šiaurę pagal koordinatinį tinklą. atitikmenys: angl. grid north pranc. nord de la grille … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
grid north — The direction of a north south grid line on a map. Except for the north south grid line through the point of origin of the grid, it will differ slightly from true north [25] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
grid north — /grɪd ˈnɔθ/ (say grid nawth) noun the northerly or zero direction indicated by a grid (def. 5). Compare magnetic north, true north …
grid north — The northerly or zero direction indicated by the grid datum of directional reference … Military dictionary
grid magnetic angle — The angular difference in direction between grid north and magnetic north. It is measured east or west from grid north. A grid magnetic angle is sometimes called a grivation and/or grid variation … Aviation dictionary
grid magnetic angle — Angular difference in direction between grid north and magnetic north. It is measured east or west from grid north. Also called grid variation; grivation … Military dictionary
grid variation — The angular difference between grid north and magnetic north. It is measured east or west from grid north and is also called a grivation or grid magnetic angle … Aviation dictionary
grid magnetic angle — noun the angular difference in direction between grid north and magnetic north, measured east or west from grid north. Also, grivation, grid variation …