gravitational vector

gravitational vector
вектор силы тяжести

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "gravitational vector" в других словарях:

  • Vector field — In mathematics a vector field is a construction in vector calculus which associates a vector to every point in a (locally) Euclidean space.Vector fields are often used in physics to model, for example, the speed and direction of a moving fluid… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational microlensing — Gravitational Lensing Formalism Strong lensing …   Wikipedia

  • Vector Prime (Transformers) — Vector Prime is a fictional character from the toyline, animated series and comics.Transformers: CybertronTransformers character name = Vector Prime caption = Knight Warrior of Cybertron and Defender of Spacetime affiliation =Autobot subgroup =… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational lensing formalism — In general relativity, a point mass deflects a light ray with impact parameter b by an angle hat{alpha} = frac{4GM}{c^2b}. A naïve application of Newtonian gravity can yield exactly half this value, where the light ray is assumed as a massed… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational field — A gravitational field is a model used within physics to explain how gravity exists in the universe. In its original concept, gravity was a force between point masses. Following Newton, Laplace attempted to model gravity as some kind of radiation… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational well — In physics, a gravity well is the gravitational potential field around a massive body (a particular kind of potential well). Physical models of gravity wells are sometimes used to illustrate orbital mechanics. Gravity wells are frequently… …   Wikipedia

  • Vector calculus — Topics in Calculus Fundamental theorem Limits of functions Continuity Mean value theorem Differential calculus  Derivative Change of variables Implicit differentiation Taylor s theorem Related rates …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational acceleration — In physics, gravitational acceleration is the acceleration of an object caused by the force of gravity from another object. In the absence of any other forces, any object will accelerate in a gravitational field at the same rate, regardless of… …   Wikipedia

  • Gravitational two-body problem — The gravitational two body problem concerns the motion of two point particles that interact only with each other, due to gravity. This means that influences from any third body are neglected. For approximate results that is often suitable. It… …   Wikipedia

  • gravitational intensity — noun : a vector quantity related to the condition at any point under gravitational influence the measure of which is the gravitational force exerted upon a unit mass placed at the point in question compare gravitational potential …   Useful english dictionary

  • Conservative vector field — In vector calculus a conservative vector field is a vector field which is the gradient of a function, known in this context as a scalar potential. Conservative vector fields have the property that the line integral from one point to another is… …   Wikipedia

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