- Gravettian
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Gravettian — [grə vet′ē ən] adj. [after La Gravette, France, site of archaeological discoveries + IAN] designating or of an Upper Paleolithic culture, characterized by flint points resembling a pointed knife blade with a blunted back … English World dictionary
Gravettian — The Gravettian was an industry of the European Upper Palaeolithic. It is named after the type site of La Gravette in the Dordogne region of France. It dates from between 28,000 and 22,000 years ago and succeeded the Aurignacian.The diagnostic… … Wikipedia
Gravettian — /greuh vet ee euhn/, adj. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an advanced Upper Paleolithic industry of Europe dating to c25,000 B.C. and characterized by straight, blunt backed blades. [1935 40; after la Gravette on the Dordogne, France; see … Universalium
Gravettian — [grə vɛtɪən] adjective Archaeology relating to or denoting an Upper Palaeolithic culture in Europe following the Aurignacian, dated to about 28,000–19,000 years ago. Origin 1930s: from la Gravette in SW France, where objects from this culture… … English new terms dictionary
gravettian — gra·vett·ian … English syllables
Gravettian — /grəˈvɛtiən/ (say gruh veteeuhn) adjective of, relating to, or characteristic of an Upper Palaeolithic culture of Europe. {name after La Gravette, an archaeological site in Dordogne, France, where artefacts from this culture were found; see ian} …
gravettian — grəˈved.ēən adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: La Gravette, rock shelter in the Couze valley of the Dordogne, France + English ian : of or relating to an Upper Paleolithic culture widespread in Europe and typified by a narrow pointed … Useful english dictionary
Граветт — (Gravettian), прогрессивная верхнепалеолитическая индустрия, которая сменяет ориньякскую, название происходит от Ла Граветт в Дордони (Франция). В современной терминологии Г. считается наиболее ранней фазой верхнего перигора (Перигор IV) и… … Археологический словарь
Prehistoric Iberia — The Prehistory of the Iberian peninsula begins with the arrival of the first hominins c.900,000 Before Present (BP) and ends with the Punic Wars, when the territory enters the domains of written history. In this long period, some of its most… … Wikipedia
History of the Basque people — The Basque people ( eu. Euskaldunak) are a group of people inhabiting adjacent areas of Spain and France. Their history is therefore interconnected with Spanish and French history and also with the history of many other past and present countries … Wikipedia
Prehistoric Europe — refers to prehistorical period of the history of Europe. Before the Upper Paleolithic, in the period of ca. 1 million to 40,000 years ago, Europe was populated by Homo erectus and Homo neanderthalensis .The Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic, from… … Wikipedia