- graptolite
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Graptolite — Grap to*lite, n. [NL, Graptolithus, from Gr. ? is engraved, written (gra fein to write) + ? stone.] (Paleon.) One of numerous species of slender and delicate fossils, of the genus {Graptolites} and allied genera, found in the Silurian rocks. They … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
graptolite — ● graptolite nom masculin (grec graptos, gravé) Stomocordé colonial fossile, présent dans les terrains cambriens et siluriens. (Les graptolites, organismes marins coloniaux stolonifères, forment une classe, proche de celle des ptérobranches.) … Encyclopédie Universelle
graptolite — 1838, from Mod.L. graptolithus, lit. written stone, from Gk. graptos engraved, written, painted (verbal adj. of graphein; see GRAPHY (Cf. graphy)) + lithos stone. So called because the fossils resemble writing … Etymology dictionary
Graptolite — Taxobox name = Graptolites fossil range = fossil range|510|350Mid Cambrian to Lower Carboniferous image width = 260px image caption = Fossil graptolite Tetragraptus fruticosus from the Ordovician of Australia regnum = Animalia phylum =… … Wikipedia
graptolite — graptolitic /grap teuh lit ik/, adj. /grap teuh luyt /, n. any colonial animal of the extinct class Graptolithina, most common in the Ordovician and Silurian Periods, thought to be related to the pterobranchs. [1830 40; < Gk graptó(s) painted,… … Universalium
Graptolite — Graptolite … Wikipédia en Français
graptolite — noun Etymology: Greek graptos painted (from graphein to write, paint) + English lite more at carve Date: 1841 any of an extinct class (Graptolithina) of hemichordate colonial marine animals of the Paleozoic era with zooids contained in conical… … New Collegiate Dictionary
graptolite — n. [Gr. graptos, painted; lithos, stone] A fossil group of pelagic, colonial animals with chitinous exoskeletons, consisting of simple or branched stems (rhabdosomes) toothed along one or both edges … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
graptolite — noun Any of a group of extinct aquatic colonial invertebrates, of the class Graptolithina, from the Cambrian and Carboniferous periods … Wiktionary
graptolite — ► adjetivo/ sustantivo masculino ZOOLOGÍA Perteneciente a un grupo de organismos fósiles marinos de la era paleozoica, que vivían en colonias … Enciclopedia Universal
graptolite — grap·to·lì·te s.m. TS paleont. fossile del Siluriano della classe dei Graptoliti | pl. con iniz. maiusc., classe del phylum degli Emicordati, rappresentata da forme coloniali che mostrano affinità con gli Idrozoi e con i Briozoi, dalla dubbia… … Dizionario italiano