- granophyre
- петр. гранофир
* * *гранофир
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Granophyre — ( point, perhaps in the presence of a water rich phase.Granophyres typically are intrusive rocks that crystallized at shallow depths, and many have compositions similar to those of granites. A common occurrence of granophyre is within layered… … Wikipedia
granophyre — ● granophyre nom masculin (de porphyre) Granite à texture microgrenue dans lequel quartz et feldspaths ont syncristallisé sous forme de micropegmatites … Encyclopédie Universelle
granophyre — [gran′ōfīr΄] n. [Ger granophyr, arbitrary blend < granit, GRANITE + porphyr, PORPHYRY] an igneous rock similar to granite in composition and appearance, but containing larger crystals of quartz and feldspar in a matrix of a finer grain… … English World dictionary
granophyre — granophyric /gran euh fir ik/, adj. /gran euh fuyeur /, n. a fine grained or porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass. [1880 85; GRANO + PHYRE] * * * ▪ rock fine grained igneous rock that… … Universalium
granophyre — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary, from grano + French phyre (as in porphyre porphyry) Date: 1882 a porphyritic igneous rock chiefly of feldspar and quartz with granular groundmass • granophyric adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
granophyre — gran·o·phyre … English syllables
granophyre — gran•o•phyre [[t]ˈgræn əˌfaɪər[/t]] n. pet a porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass • Etymology: 1880–85; grano + F (por)phyre porphyry gran o•phy′ric ˈfɪr ɪk adj … From formal English to slang
granophyre — /ˈgrænəfaɪə/ (say granuhfuyuh) noun a fine grained or porphyritic granitic rock with a micrographic intergrowth of the minerals of the groundmass. {German Granophyr, from grano (combining form of Granit granite) + (Por)phyr porphyry} –granophyric …
granophyre — ˈgranəˌfī(ə)r noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary grano + phyre; originally formed as German granophyr : a porphyritic igneous rock chiefly composed of alkalic feldspar and quartz and having a granular groundmass; also : a… … Useful english dictionary
Micrographic texture — In petrology, micrographic texture is a fine grained intergrowth of quartz and alkali feldspar, interpreted as the last product of crystallization in some igneous rocks which contain high or moderately high percentages of silica. Micropegmatite… … Wikipedia
Misquah Hills — Coordinates: 47°59′N 90°34′W / 47.98°N 90.56°W / 47.98; 90.56 … Wikipedia