- gradational contact
• постепенный контакт• постепенный переход
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Lithostratigraphy — is a sub dicipline of stratigraphy, the geological science associated with the study of strata or rock layers. Major focuses include geochronology, comparative geology, and petrology. In general a stratum will be primarily igneous or sedimentary… … Wikipedia
Marcellus Formation — Stratigraphic range: Middle Devonian … Wikipedia
United States — a republic in the N Western Hemisphere comprising 48 conterminous states, the District of Columbia, and Alaska in North America, and Hawaii in the N Pacific. 267,954,767; conterminous United States, 3,022,387 sq. mi. (7,827,982 sq. km); with… … Universalium
Kayenta Formation — The Kayenta Formation is a geologic layer in the Glen Canyon Group that is spread across the Colorado Plateau province of the United States, including northern Arizona, northwest Colorado, Nevada, and Utah. This rock formation is particularly… … Wikipedia
landslide — /land sluyd /, n., v., landslid, landslid or landslidden, landsliding. n. 1. the downward falling or sliding of a mass of soil, detritus, or rock on or from a steep slope. 2. the mass itself. 3. an election in which a particular victorious… … Universalium
Paleopedological record — The paleopedological record is, essentially, the fossil record of soils. The paleopedological record consists chiefly of paleosols buried by flood sediments, or preserved at geological unconformities, especially plateau escarpments or sides of… … Wikipedia
Beethoven quadrangle — The Beethoven quadrangle is located in the equatorial region of Mercury, in the center of the area imaged by Mariner 10. Most pictures of the quadrangle were obtained at high sun angles as the Mariner 10 spacecraft receded from the planet.… … Wikipedia
Beacon sandstone — The Beacon sandstone is a geological formation exposed in Antarctica and deposited from the Devonian to the Triassic ( Ma|400| Ma|225Verify source|date=April 2008). The sandstone was originally described as a formation, and upgraded to group and… … Wikipedia
feldspar — /feld spahr , fel /, n. any of a group of minerals, principally aluminosilicates of potassium, sodium, and calcium, characterized by two cleavages at nearly right angles: one of the most important constituents of igneous rocks. Also, felspar.… … Universalium
salt dome — Geol. a domelike rock structure that is formed beneath the earth s surface by the upward movement of a mass of salt, may reach thousands of feet in vertical extent, and is more or less circular in plan: often associated with oil and gas pools. Cf … Universalium
color — n 1 Color, hue, shade, tint, tinge, tone are comparable when they mean a property or attribute of a visible thing that is recognizable only when rays of light fall upon the thing and that is distinct from properties (as shape or size) apparent in … New Dictionary of Synonyms