- gondola car
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
gondola car — UK US noun [C] US TRANSPORT ► an open part of a train that is used for transporting heavy goods … Financial and business terms
gondola car — noun a low flat bottomed freight car with fixed sides but no roof • Syn: ↑gondola • Hypernyms: ↑freight car * * * noun see gondola I, 3 * * * gondola car, U.S. a railroad freight car with low sides and no top, such as one for carrying scrap … Useful english dictionary
gondola — [gän′dō lə, gän′dələ; ] often [ gän dō′lə, gəndō′lə] n. [It (Venetian) < Rhaeto Romanic (dial.) gondolá, to rock] 1. a long, narrow boat for a few passengers used on the canals of Venice, having a high, pointed prow and stern and propelled by… … English World dictionary
Gondola (rail) — This article is about US railroad practice. For information on European open wagons, see Open wagon. A railroad gondola seen at Rochelle, Illinois. In railroad terminology, a gondola is an open top type of rolling stock that is used for carrying… … Wikipedia
Gondola lift — A gondola lift is a type of aerial lift, often called a cable car, which consists of a loop of steel cable that is strung between two stations, sometimes over intermediate supporting towers. The cable is driven by a bullwheel in the terminal,… … Wikipedia
gondola — /gon dl euh/ or, esp. for 1, /gon doh leuh/, n. 1. a long, narrow, flat bottomed boat having a tall, ornamental stem and stern and sometimes a small cabin for passengers, rowed or poled by a single person who stands at the stern, facing forward:… … Universalium
gondola — noun /ˈɡɒn.də.lə/ a) A small long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, propelled with a single oar, especially in Venice. b) A hanging platform or car for transporting people or cargo Syn: gondola car, gon, cable car … Wiktionary
gondola — n. 1 a light flat bottomed boat used on Venetian canals, with a central cabin and a high point at each end, worked by one oar at the stern. 2 a car suspended from an airship or balloon. 3 an island of shelves used to display goods in a… … Useful english dictionary
gondola — [ gɒndələ] noun 1》 a light flat bottomed boat used on Venetian canals, having a high point at each end and worked by one oar at the stern. 2》 a cabin on a ski lift, or suspended from an airship or balloon. 3》 (also gondola car) N. Amer. an open… … English new terms dictionary
Gondola — Gon do*la, n. [It., dim. of gonda a gondola; cf. LL. gandeia a kind of boat, Gr. ? a drinking vessel; said to be a Persian word; cf. F. gondole gondola, cup.] [1913 Webster] 1. A long, narrow boat with a high prow and stern, used in the canals of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gondola (disambiguation) — Gondola may refer to:*Gondola, a narrow boat, best known today for its use in the canals of Venice *The passenger area or basket of an airship or hot air balloon *The passenger component of a Ferris wheel is also called a gondola. *Gondola lift,… … Wikipedia