Goaf — Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
goaf — Gove Gove (g[=o]v), n. [Also {goaf}, {goof}, {goff}.] A mow; a rick for hay. [Obs.] Tusser. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
goaf — /gohf/, n., pl. goaves. Mining. gob1 (def. 3). [1830 40; orig. uncert.] * * * … Universalium
goaf — North Country (Newcastle) Words the space remaining in a coal mine after the removal of the coal … English dialects glossary
goaf — n. mow, pile of hay; (Mining) part of a mine from which the mineral has been removed in part or in whole … English contemporary dictionary
goaf — /ˈgoʊf/ (say gohf) noun the space left in a mine after the extraction of coal; sometimes packed with waste; gob. {19th century; origin unknown} …
goaf — /gohf/, n., pl. goaves. Mining. gob1 (def. 3). [1830 40; orig. uncert.] … Useful english dictionary
To work the goaf — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Goafs — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Goaves — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
gob — Goaf Goaf; n.; pl. {Goafs}or {Goaves}. [Cf. 1st {Gob}.] (Mining) That part of a mine from which the mineral has been partially or wholly removed; the waste left in old workings; called also {gob} . [1913 Webster] {To work the goaf} or {To work… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English