- glenoid cavity
гленоидная впадина
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
glenoid cavity — n the shallow cavity of the upper part of the scapula by which the humerus articulates with the pectoral girdle * * * (glenoid fossa) the socket of the shoulder joint: the pear shaped cavity at the top of the scapula into which the head of the… … Medical dictionary
Glenoid cavity — Infobox Bone Name = Glenoid cavity Latin = c. glenoidalis GraySubject = 50 GrayPage = 207 Caption = Glenoid fossa of right side. Caption2 = Left scapula. Lateral view. System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = c 16 DorlandsSuf =… … Wikipedia
glenoid cavity — glenoid fossa the socket of the shoulder joint: the pear shaped cavity at the top of the scapula into which the head of the humerus fits … The new mediacal dictionary
glenoid cavity — n. a shallow depression on a bone, esp. the scapula and temporal bone, receiving the projection of another bone to form a joint. Etymology: F gleacutenoiumlde f. Gk glenoeides f. glene socket * * * noun the concavity in the head of the scapula… … Useful english dictionary
glenoid cavity — [ gli:nɔɪd] (also glenoid fossa) noun Anatomy a shallow depression on a bone into which another bone fits to form a joint, especially that on the scapula into which the head of the humerus fits. Origin C18: glenoid from Fr. glénoïde, from Gk… … English new terms dictionary
glenoid fossa — glenoid cavity … The new mediacal dictionary
Glenoid — Gle noid, a. [Gr. ?; ? socket of a joint + e i^dos form; cf. F. gl[ e]no[ i]de.] (Anat.) Having the form of a smooth and shallow depression; socketlike; applied to several articular surfaces of bone; as, the glenoid cavity, or fossa, of the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Glenoid fossa — can refer to: * Glenoid cavity (more common) * Mandibular fossa … Wikipedia
glenoid fossa — n the depression in each lateral wall of the skull with which the mandible articulates called also mandibular fossa * * * see glenoid cavity … Medical dictionary
Glenoid labrum — A ring of fibrocartilage that runs around the cavity of the scapula (wingbone) in which the head of the humerus (the bone in the upper arm) fits. The labrum deepens this cavity (the glenoid cavity) and effectively increases the surface of the… … Medical dictionary
Glenoid labrum — Infobox Anatomy Name = Glenoidal labrum Latin = labrum glenoidale GraySubject = 83 GrayPage = 319 Caption = Glenoid fossa of right side. Caption2 = System = Precursor = MeshName = MeshNumber = DorlandsPre = l 01 DorlandsSuf = 12474070 : The… … Wikipedia