glacial striation

glacial striation
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "glacial striation" в других словарях:

  • Glacial striation — Glacial striations or glacial grooves are scratches or gouges cut into bedrock by process of glacial abrasion. Glacial striations usually occur as multiple straight, parallel grooves representing the movement of the sediment loaded base of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Striation — Striations means a series of ridges, furrows or linear marks, and are used in several ways * Glacial striation * Striation (geology), a striation as a result of a geological fault * In medicine, striated muscle * Striations can be found in… …   Wikipedia

  • Striation (geology) — In geology, a striation means linear linear furrows generated from fault movement. The striation s direction reveal the movement directions in the fault also* Glacial striation …   Wikipedia

  • glacial groove —    A deep, wide, usually straight furrow cut in bedrock by the abrasive action of a rock fragment embedded in the bottom of a moving glacier; it is larger and deeper than a glacial striation, ranging in size from a deep scratch to a small glacial …   Glossary of landform and geologic terms

  • glacial landform — ▪ geology Introduction  any product of flowing ice and meltwater. Such landforms are being produced today in glaciated areas, such as Greenland, Antarctica, and many of the world s higher mountain ranges. In addition, large expansions of present… …   Universalium

  • striation — stri·a·tion || straɪ eɪʃn n. state of being marked with narrow lines or grooves; stria; parallel scratches or grooves caused by glacial movement (Geology) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Snowball Earth — The Snowball Earth hypothesis as it was originally proposedcite book author = Kirschvink, J.L. year = 1992 chapter = Late Proterozoic low latitude global glaciation: The snowball Earth title = The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study… …   Wikipedia

  • Montebello, New York — Montebello   Village   Location of village within the town of Ramapo and Rockland County, New …   Wikipedia

  • Abrasion (geology) — Abrasion is mechanical scraping of a rock surface by friction between rocks and moving particles during their transport in wind, glacier, waves, gravity or running water, after friction, the moving particles dislodge loose and weak debris from… …   Wikipedia

  • Hallett Cove, South Australia — Infobox Australian Place | type = suburb name = Hallett Cove city = Adelaide state = sa lga = City of Marion postcode = 5158 pop = 12,272 (2006 Census) [Census 2006 AUS|id=SSC41706|name=Hallett Cove (State Suburb)|quick=on|accessdate=2007 06 30]… …   Wikipedia

  • Inman Valley, South Australia — Infobox Australian Place | type = town name = Inman Valley state = South Australia caption = Glaciated pavement in the Inman River lga = City of Victor Harbor postcode = 5211 est = pop = elevation= maxtemp = mintemp = rainfall = stategov = fedgov …   Wikipedia

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