geothermic degree

geothermic degree
геотермический градиент

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "geothermic degree" в других словарях:

  • геотермічний ступiнь — геотермическая ступень gеоthermal degree, geothermic step; geothermic degree *geothermische Tiefenstufe, geothermische Stufe, geothermischer Grad – 1) Інтервал глибини земної кори в метрах,, на якому т ра підвищується 1 о С або віддаль, на яку… …   Гірничий енциклопедичний словник

  • Antiquity of the World —     Antiquity of the World     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Antiquity of the World     Various attempts have been made to establish the age of the world. Two groups of scientists have especially busied themselves with this question: physicists and… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Green energy — is a term used to describe sources of energy that are considered to be environmentally friendly and non polluting. These sources of energy may provide a remedy to the systemic effects of global warming and certain forms of pollution. Green energy …   Wikipedia

  • geothermal gradient — noun : the increase in the temperature of the earth from the surface downward averaging about 1° F for each 70 feet * * * the increase in temperature with increasing depth within the earth. [1935 40] * * * geothermal gradient noun The rate at… …   Useful english dictionary

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