- geotectonics
- геотектоника
general geotectonics общая геотектоника
* * *геотектоника
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
geotectonics — geotektonika statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Mokslas, tiriantis Žemės plutos ir viršutinės mantijos struktūrą, judesius, deformacijas ir raidą. atitikmenys: angl. geotectonics vok. Geotektonik, f rus. геотектоника, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
geotectonics — geo·tectonics … English syllables
geotectonics — “+ noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: ge + tectonics : structural geology * * * geotectonˈics singular noun Structural geology (qv under ↑geology) • • • Main Entry: ↑geotectonic … Useful english dictionary
Manuel Iturralde-Vinent — Nacimiento 10 de julio de 1946 (65 años) … Wikipedia Español
Azerbaijan — This article is about the country in Eurasia. For other uses, see Azerbaijan (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
Diastrophism — refers to deformation of the Earth s crust, and more especially to folding and faulting. Diastrophism can be considered part of geotectonics. Diastrophism comes from the Greek word meaning a twisting.[1][2] All processes that move, elevate or… … Wikipedia
Arabia (disambiguation) — Arabia may refer to: * Arab world, twenty three Arabic speaking countries * Arabian Peninsula, a geographic area in Asia * Arabia Deserta, the desert interior of the Arabian peninsula * Arabia Felix, modern day Yemen * Saudi Arabia, the largest… … Wikipedia
Emmanuil B. Chekaliuk — Emmanuïl Bogdanovych Chekaliuk ( uk. Емануїл Богданович Чекалюк Gnizdychev, Zhydachiv District, Lviv Oblast, May 6, 1909 – Lviv, January 5, 1990) was a Ukrainian petroleum engineer and statistical thermodynamicist. He first produced rigorous… … Wikipedia
Louis de Loczy — Infobox Scientist name = Louis de Loczy box width = image width = caption = birth date = June 5, 1897 birth place = Budapest, Hungary death date = June 9, 1980 death place = Rio de Janeiro, Brazil residence = citizenship = nationality = Hungarian … Wikipedia
Creag Mhòr — seen from the high ground to the SW. The Coire Chirdle landslip can be seen centre left. Elevation … Wikipedia
Землетрясения — колебания Земли, вызванные внезапным освобождением потенциальной энергии земных недр. Большая часть регистрируемых З. имеет тект. происхождение. Напряжения, вызванные тект. силами, накапливаются в течение длительного времени (десятки и сотни лет) … Геологическая энциклопедия