- geophysical method
геофизический метод
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Geophysical Tomography Group — The Geophysical Tomography Group was part of the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (Jussieu Campus). During the years 1985 2000 it made pioneering developments in the domain of nonlinear fitting of seismic waveforms. Many of the past members … Wikipedia
Plus minus method — The plus minus methos is a geophysical principle attributed to Hagedoorn for statics solution derivation in which two emergence points on a refractor and a common midpoint (cmp) on the surface are considered.Eqs:t+ = tABCD + tDEFG tABFGt = tABCD… … Wikipedia
Seismoelectrical Method — Basic ConceptThe Seismoelectrical method (also called the Electroseismic method or [http://www.agu.org/meetings/fm06/fm06 sessions/fm06 NS21A.html seismic electric] ) is based on the generation of electromagnetic fields in soils and rocks by… … Wikipedia
Magnetotellurics — Magnetotelluric station Magnetotellurics (MT) is an electromagnetic geophysical method of imaging the earth s subsurface by measuring natural variations of electrical and magnetic fields at the Earth s surface. Investigation depth ranges from… … Wikipedia
Electrical resistivity tomography — (ERT) or electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) is a geophysical technique for imaging sub surfaces structures from electrical measurements made at the surface, or by electrodes in one or more boreholes. It is closely related to the medical imaging … Wikipedia
History of research ships — The research ship had origins in the early voyages of exploration. By the time of James Cook s Endeavour , the essentials of what today we would call a research ship are clearly apparent. In 1766, the Royal Society hired Cook to travel to the… … Wikipedia
Ground-penetrating radar — (GPR) is a geophysical method that uses radar pulses to image the subsurface. This non destructive method uses electromagnetic radiation in the microwave band (UHF/VHF frequencies) of the radio spectrum, and detects the reflected signals from… … Wikipedia
Schlumberger, Conrad and Marcel — ▪ German geophysicists Respectively, born October 2, 1878, Guebwiller, Germany died May 9, 1936, Stockholm born June 21, 1884, Guebwiller died August 19, 1953, Val Richer, Normandy, France German brothers, geophysicists and petroleum… … Universalium
Gravity exploration — (gravimetrical exploration) – is a geophysical method based on a natural gravity field study over the Earth surface. The information about the elements of this field makes it possible to determine their densities, ascertain the deep structure of… … Glossary of Oil and Gas
Magnetic prospecting — is a geophysical method based on the examination of magnetic field anomalies of the Earth caused by non similar magnetization intensity of rocks. It is one of the methods of prospecting geophysics. Physical and geological prerequisites of this… … Glossary of Oil and Gas
Texas Transportation Institute — The Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) in College Station, Texas is the largest transportation research agency in the United States. Created in 1950, primarily in response to the needs of the Texas Highway Department (now the Texas Department… … Wikipedia