geologic formation

geologic formation
толща пород

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "geologic formation" в других словарях:

  • Geologic modelling — is the applied science of creating computerized representations of portions of the Earth s crust, especially oil and gas fields and groundwater aquifers. In the oil and gas industry, realistic geologic models are required as input to reservoir… …   Wikipedia

  • Formation — can refer to:* Aerobatic formation, aerobatics performed with several aircraft * Formation (military), a high level military organization * Formation (paper property), defining the fibre distribution within the paper sheet * Tactical formation,… …   Wikipedia

  • Formation (stratigraphy) — A formation or geological formation is the fundamental unit of lithostratigraphy. A formation consists of a certain number of rock strata that have a comparable lithology, facies or other similar properties. Formations are not defined on the… …   Wikipedia

  • Formation of rocks — This article discusses how rocks are formed. There are also articles on physical rock formations, also known as strata, and the formal naming of geologic formations. The three main ways rocks are formed: * Sedimentary rocks are formed through the …   Wikipedia

  • Geologic time scale — This clock representation shows some of the major units of geological time and definitive events of Earth history. The Hadean eon represents the time before fossil record of life on Earth; its upper boundary is now regarded as 4.0 Ga.[1] Other… …   Wikipedia

  • Geologic record — The layer cake like appearance of concordant strata laid down over hundreds of thousands of years …   Wikipedia

  • Geologic map — A geologic map or geological map is a special purpose map made to show geological features.The stratigraphic contour lines are drawn on the surface of a selected deep stratum, so that they can show the topographic trends of the strata under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Geologic temperature record — The Geologic temperature record are changes in Earth s environment as determined from geologic evidence on multi million to billion (109) year time scales.Evidence for past temperaturesOur evidence for past temperatures comes mainly from isotopic …   Wikipedia

  • Formation de Medusae Fossae — L expression informelle « formation de Medusae Fossae » souvent abrégée en MFF, pour Medusae Fossae Formation désigne une vaste région équatoriale de la planète Mars, située dans les quadrangles d Elysium, d Aeolis, de Memnonia et d… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Formation de Laramie — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Laramie (homonymie). La Formation de Laramie au nord est du Colorado. La formation de Laramie est une formation géologique datant du Crétacé, nommée …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Formation de Fox Hills — La Formation de Fox Hills est une formation géologique datant du Crétacé et située dans le nord ouest des Grandes Plaines en Amérique du Nord. On la trouve de l Alberta au nord jusqu au Colorado, au sud. Des restes de fossiles de dinosaures ont… …   Wikipédia en Français

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