- geodynamics
- геодинамика
* * *геодинамика
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Geodynamics — is a subfield of geophysics dealing with dynamics of the Earth masses. Experts in geodynamics commonly use techniques such as geodetic GPS, InSAR, and seismology, to study the evolution of the Earth s Lithosphere, Mantle and Core.External links*… … Wikipedia
geodynamics — [jē΄ō dī nam′iks] n. the study of the activity and forces inside the earth geodynamic adj … English World dictionary
geodynamics — “+ noun plural but singular in construction Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary ge + dynamics : a study of dynamic forces or processes within the earth * * * geodynamic, geodynamical, adj. geodynamicist /jee oh duy nam euh sist/, n.… … Useful english dictionary
Geodynamics Experimental Ocean Satellite — GEOS 1 (Explorer 29), ebenso GEOS 2 GEOS 3 GEOS (Geodetic Earth Orbiting Satellite) war eine Serie von drei US amerikanischen geodätischen Forschungssatelliten der … Deutsch Wikipedia
geodynamics — geodynamic, geodynamical, adj. geodynamicist /jee oh duy nam euh sist/, n. /jee oh duy nam iks/, n. (used with a sing. v.) the science dealing with dynamic processes or forces within the earth. [1880 85; GEO + DYNAMICS] * * * … Universalium
geodynamics — noun the branch of geophysics that studies the deformation processes of planetary mantle and crust, and the resulting earthquakes and volcanism … Wiktionary
geodynamics — geo·dynamics … English syllables
geodynamics — /ˌdʒioʊdaɪˈnæmɪks/ (say .jeeohduy namiks) noun the study of the dynamics of the forces inside the earth. –geodynamic, geodynamical, adjective –geodynamicist, noun …
Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics — The Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics (CIG) is a National Science Foundation sponsored collaborative effort to improve geodynamic modelling and maintain software for fields related to geophysics. A major goal of CIG is to provide a… … Wikipedia
Laser Geodynamics Satellite — LAGEOS LAGEOS (Laser Geodynamics Satellite) ist der Name zwei der wichtigsten Lasersatelliten der höheren Geodäsie. Die LAGEOS Satelliten haben die Gestalt einer Kugel, die 426 Laserreflektoren trägt. Diese werfen auftreffendes Licht genau in die … Deutsch Wikipedia
Plate tectonics — The tectonic plates of the world were mapped in the second half of the 20th century … Wikipedia