- fumarole gas
фумарольный газ
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Fumarole — A fumarole (Latin fumus , smoke) is an opening in Earth s (or any other astronomical body s) crust, often in the neighborhood of volcanoes, which emits steam and gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric acid, and hydrogen… … Wikipedia
fumarole — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY A small volcanic vent from which gases and vapors are emitted. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A vent which releases volcanic gases. These include steam (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), hydrogen… … Glossary of volcanic terms
Fumarole — Fu|ma|ro|le 〈f. 19〉 vulkan. Gas u. Dampfausströmungen aus Spalten erstarrender Lavamassen [<ital. (mundartl.) fumarola in derselben Bedeutung, eigtl. fumaiolo „Schornstein“; zu fumo „Rauch“] * * * Fu|ma|ro|le [slat. fumariolum = Dampfloch,… … Universal-Lexikon
Fumarole — Fu|ma|ro|le die; , n <aus gleichbed. it. fumarole, eigtl. »Mündung eines Schornsteins«, zu spätlat. fumariolum »Rauchloch«, dies zu lat. fumus »Rauch«> das Ausströmen von Gas u. Wasserdampf aus Erdspalten in vulkanischen Gebieten … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
Fumarole — Fu|ma|ro|le 〈f.; Gen.: , Pl.: n〉 Gas u. Dampfausströmungen aus Spalten erstarrender Lavamassen [Etym.: <ital. fumaruola »kleine Öffnung im Erdboden (in vulkan. Gegenden), aus der Dampf ausströmt«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Fumarole — A vent from which gas or steam issue; a geyser or spring that emits gases. U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy Information Administration s Energy Glossary … Energy terms
Volcanic gas — Volcanic gases include a variety of substances given off by active (or, at times, by dormant) volcanoes. These include gases trapped in cavities (vesicles) in volcanic rocks, dissolved or dissociated gases in magma and lava, or gases emanating… … Wikipedia
Mount Baker — For other uses, see Mount Baker (disambiguation). Mount Baker Mount Baker as seen from the Southeast at Boulder Creek … Wikipedia
Geology of the Lassen volcanic area — The geology of the Lassen volcanic area presents a record of sedimentation and volcanic activity in the area in and around Lassen Volcanic National Park in Northern California, U.S.. The park is located in the southernmost part of the Cascade… … Wikipedia
Gelber Schwefel — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia
Schwefelblüte — Eigenschaften … Deutsch Wikipedia