- frontozygomatic
- пал. переднескуловой
* * *переднескуловой
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
frontozygomatic — Relating to the frontal and zygomatic bones. SYN: frontomalar. * * * fron·to·zy·go·mat·ic (frun″to zi″go matґik) zygomaticofrontal … Medical dictionary
frontozygomatic suture — sutura frontozygomatica … Medical dictionary
sutura — SYN: suture (1). [L. a sewing, a suture, fr. suo, pp. sutus, to sew] s. coronalis [TA] SYN: coronal suture. suturae cranii [TA] SYN: cranial sutures, under suture. s. ethmoidolacrimalis [TA] SYN: ethmoidolacrimal suture. s. ethmoidomaxillaris… … Medical dictionary
Zygomaticofrontal suture — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = Sutura frontozygomatica GraySubject = 46 GrayPage = 182 Caption = Side view of the skull. Caption2 = Side view of head, showing surface relations of bones. (Zygomaticofrontal suture labeled at center left.) … Wikipedia
Suture — The word suture has several uses in medicine, including: {{}}Cranial suture A type of joint between the bones of the skull where the bones are held tightly together by fibrous tissue. A surgical suture Thread like material used to sew tissue… … Medical dictionary
frontomalar — SYN: frontozygomatic. * * * fron·to·ma·lar (frun″to maґlər) pertaining to the frontal and zygomatic (malar) bones; zygomaticofrontal … Medical dictionary
sutura frontozygomatica — [TA] frontozygomatic suture: the line of junction between the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the frontal bone; called also zygomaticofrontal suture … Medical dictionary
tuberculum orbitale — [TA] orbital tubercle: a small eminence on the internal aspect of the orbital surface of the zygomatic bone, inferior to the frontozygomatic suture; it provides attachment for the lateral palpebral ligament, suspensory ligament of the eye, and… … Medical dictionary