front end

front end
неотстрелянная часть профиля

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "front end" в других словарях:

  • front end — ˈfront end noun [singular] 1. COMMERCE if a company is at the front end of a business or activity, they have a lot of success, especially because they are producing a lot of new products: • He is experienced at dealing companies at the front end… …   Financial and business terms

  • front-end — [frunt′end′] adj. designating, of, or having to do with a contract, financial arrangement, etc. in which specified payments, costs, etc. are payable in advance * * * front end (frŭntʹĕnd ) adj. 1. Of or relating to the initial phase of a project …   Universalium

  • Front End —   [dt. »vorderes Ende«], bei einer Client Server Anwendung ein Teilprogramm, das auf einem Client läuft (im Gegenteil zum Back End, der auf dem Server läuft).   Als Front End bezeichnet man auch eine separate Benutzeroberfläche, mit der sich… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • front-end — UK US adjective FINANCE ► used to describe a charge that investors pay at the time when they put money into some types of investment: »This loan contains no front end sales charges. → Compare BACK END(Cf. ↑back end) …   Financial and business terms

  • front-end — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating to the front, especially of a vehicle. 2) informal (of money) paid or charged at the beginning of a transaction. 3) Computing (of a device or program) directly accessed by the user and allowing access to further devices or …   English terms dictionary

  • front-end — [frunt′end′] adj. designating, of, or having to do with a contract, financial arrangement, etc. in which specified payments, costs, etc. are payable in advance …   English World dictionary

  • front-end — ¦ ̷ ̷ ¦ ̷ ̷ adjective : relating to or required at the beginning of an undertaking take some time for the huge front end investment to be paid off Wall Street Journal * * * frontˈ endˈ noun The aspects involved in the running of an operation, eg… …   Useful english dictionary

  • front end — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms front end : singular front end plural front ends computing 1) the parts of a computer system that the user sees and uses 2) a front end processor …   English dictionary

  • front-end — adjective Date: 1962 relating to or required at the beginning of an undertaking < no front end charge at the time of investment > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • front-end — adjective 1》 informal (of money) paid or charged at the beginning of a transaction. 2》 Computing (of a device or program) directly accessed by the user and allowing access to further devices or programs. noun Computing the front end part of a… …   English new terms dictionary

  • front-end — UK / US adjective business relating to the start of a business process or project There is no front end fee for the share plan …   English dictionary

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