- angrite
- ангрит (ахондритовый каменный метеорит)
* * *• ангрит• ахондритовый метеорит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
angrite — noun An achondrite consisting mostly of augite with some olivine and troilite … Wiktionary
angrite — an·grite … English syllables
angrite — ˈaŋˌgrīt noun ( s) Etymology: Angra dos Reis, town near Rio de Janeiro, Brazil + English ite : a meteoritic stone consisting essentially of titanaugite and having no chondrules … Useful english dictionary
Achondrit — Achondrite (griech. ά (a ), ‚ohne‘ und χόνδρος (chondros), ‚Korn‘) sind Steinmeteorite, die im Gegensatz zu Chondriten keine oder nur wenige Chondren enthalten. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Abgrenzung 2 Entstehung 3 Aussehen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nakhlit — Als Achondrite werden alle Steinmeteoriten klassifiziert, die keine Chondrite sind. Sie sind mit lediglich knapp acht Prozent Anteil an der Gesamtzahl aller Meteorite[1] recht selten, was vermutlich darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass die meisten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Meteorite classification — The ultimate goal of meteorite classification is to group all meteorite specimens that share a common origin on a single, identifiable parent body. This could be a planet, asteroid, Moon, or other current Solar System object, or one that existed… … Wikipedia
5261 Eureka — Infobox Planet | discovery=yes | physical characteristics = yes | bgcolour=#FFFFC0 name=5261 Eureka discoverer=David H. Levy discovered=June 20, 1990 alt names=1990 MB mp category=Mars crosser asteroid epoch=July 14, 2004 (JD 2453200.5) semimajor … Wikipedia
Achondrite — An achondrite is a stony meteorite that consists of material similar to terrestrial basalts or plutonic rocks. Compared to the chondrites, they have all been differentiated and reprocessed to a lesser or greater degree due to melting and… … Wikipedia
Meteorite fall — Witnessed Bolide Meteorite falls, also called observed falls, are those meteorites that were witnessed by people or automated devices as they moved through the atmosphere or hit the Earth, and were subsequently collected. All other meteorites are … Wikipedia
Meteorite fall statistics — are frequently used by planetary scientists to approximate the true flux of meteorites on the Earth. Meteorite falls are those meteorites that are collected after being witnessed to fall, whereas meteorite finds are discovered at a later time.… … Wikipedia
(5261) Eureka — El asteroide (5261) Eureka se descubrió en el Observatorio de Monte Palomar el 20 de junio de 1990 y resultó ser el primer asteroide troyano conocido de Marte que ocupa el punto Lagrangiano L5 de Marte. Su distancia que varía sólo 0,3 UA durante… … Wikipedia Español