foresight point = FS

foresight point = FS
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "foresight point = FS" в других словарях:

  • foresight — /ˈfɔsaɪt / (say fawsuyt) noun 1. care or provision for the future; provident care: *So far his foresight was aiding his good fortune wonderfully. –ion l. idriess, 1953. 2. the act or power of foreseeing; prevision; prescience. 3. the act of… …  

  • Point of No Return (TVB) — Infobox Television show name = Point of No Return (西關大少) caption = genre = Period Drama format = runtime = 45 minutes (approx.) creator = director = producer = writer = starring = Damian Lau Julian Cheung Charmaine Sheh Angie Chiu opentheme =… …   Wikipedia

  • foresight — foresighted, adj. foresightedly, adv. foresightedly, adv. foresightedness, n. foresightful, adj. /fawr suyt , fohr /, n. 1. care or provision for the future; provident care; prudence …   Universalium

  • Naval Air Station Cubi Point — Naval Base Subic Bay IATA: NCP – ICAO: RPMB Summary Airport type …   Wikipedia

  • turning point — /ˈtɜnɪŋ pɔɪnt / (say terning poynt) noun 1. a point at which a decisive change takes place; a critical point; a crisis. 2. Surveying a point on which a foresight and a backsight are taken in direct levelling. 3. a point at which something turns,… …  

  • change point — noun (surveying) A staff station to which two sights are taken, a foresight and a backsight (also called turning point) • • • Main Entry: ↑change …   Useful english dictionary

  • Scientific foreknowledge in sacred texts — is the belief that certain sacred texts document an awareness of the natural world that was later discovered by technology and science. This includes the belief that the sacred text grants a higher awareness of the natural world, like those views …   Wikipedia

  • Futurology — Futures Studies, Foresight, or Futurology is the science, art and practice of postulating possible, probable, and preferable futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. Futures studies (colloquially called Futures by many of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Cost of conflict — is a tool which attempts to calculate the price of conflict to the human race. The idea is to examine this cost, not only in terms of the deaths and casualties and the economic costs borne by the people involved, but also the social,… …   Wikipedia

  • Technics and Time, 1 — Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus (French: La technique et le temps, 1: La faute d Épiméthée ) is a book by the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, first published by Galilée in 1994. The English translation, by George Collins and… …   Wikipedia

  • Cryonics — For the study of the production of very low temperatures, see Cryogenics. Technicians prepare a patient for cryopreservation. Cryonics (from Greek kryos meaning icy cold) is the low temperature preservation of humans and animals who can no longer …   Wikipedia

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