- foliated rock
слоистая порода
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
foliated — adjective Date: 1650 1. composed of or separable into layers < a foliated rock > 2. ornamented with foils or a leaf design … New Collegiate Dictionary
Rock microstructure — includes the texture of a rock and the small scale rock structures. The words texture and microstructure are interchangeable, with the latter preferred in modern geological literature. However, texture is still acceptable because it is a useful… … Wikipedia
foliated — adjective 1. ornamented with foliage or foils foliate tracery a foliated capital • Syn: ↑foliate • Pertains to noun: ↑foliage, ↑foliage (for: ↑foliate … Useful english dictionary
foliated — adjective a) (of a rock) Having a structure of thin layers b) Decorated with foliage … Wiktionary
Metamorphic rock — Metamorphic redirects here. For other uses, see Metamorphic (disambiguation). Quartzite, a form of metamorphic rock, from the Museum of Geology at University of Tartu collection. Metamorphic rock is the transformation of an existing rock type,… … Wikipedia
Little Rock United States Post Office and Courthouse — Little Rock US Post Office and Courthouse U.S. National Register of Historic Places … Wikipedia
metamorphic rock — Any of a class of rocks that result from the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing geological conditions, including variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress. The preexisting rocks may be igneous, sedimentary,… … Universalium
Foliation (geology) — Foliation is any penetrative planar fabric present in rocks. Foliation is common to rocks affected by regional metamorphic compression typical of orogenic belts. Rocks exhibiting foliation include the typical metamorphic rock sequence of slate,… … Wikipedia
Slate — is a fine grained, foliated, , metamorphic rock derived from an original shale type sedimentary rock composed of clay or volcanic ash through low grade regional metamorphism. The result is a foliated rock in which the foliation may not correspond … Wikipedia
Andhra Pradesh — /ahn dreuh preuh daysh / a state in SE India, formed from portions of Madras and Hyderabad states 1956. 48,630,000; 105,963 sq. mi. (274,444 sq. km). Cap.: Hyderabad. * * * State (pop., 2001 prelim.: 75,727,541), southeastern India. Located on… … Universalium
permafrost — /perr meuh frawst , frost /, n. (in arctic or subarctic regions) perennially frozen subsoil. Also called pergelisol. [1943; PERMA(NENT) + FROST] * * * Perennially frozen earth, with a temperature below 32 °F (0 °C) continuously for two years or… … Universalium