- angle of pull
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
angle of pull — tempimo kampas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Kampas, susidarantis tarp raumenų tempimo linijos ir kaulo, kurį veikia raumuo, išilginės ašies. atitikmenys: angl. angle of pull vok. Dehnungswinkel, m; Ruckwinkel, m; Zugwinkel … Sporto terminų žodynas
Angle of attack — In this diagram, the black lines represent the flow of a fluid around a two dimensional airfoil shape. The angle α is the angle of attack. Angle of attack (AOA, α, Greek letter alpha) is a term used in fluid dynamics to describe the angle between … Wikipedia
angle — Synonyms and related words: Anschauung, L, action, aim, anagnorisis, angle for, angle of vision, angle off, apex, approach, architectonics, architecture, argument, aspect, atmosphere, background, bait the hook, base, basis, be after, bear off,… … Moby Thesaurus
Pull-winding — Le pull winding (pull winding) est un procédé de mise en forme en continu de tubes et profilés en matériaux composites similaire à la pultrusion. Le terme « pull winding » est composé des mots anglais « pull » (tirer) et… … Wikipédia en Français
angle — The meeting point of two lines or planes; the figure formed by the junction of two lines or planes; the space bounded on two sides by lines or planes that meet. For angles not listed below, see the descriptive term; e.g., axioincisal, distobuccal … Medical dictionary
pull — a measure of the angular deflection in an overhead utility line at a pole where the line changes direction. In the U.S., the measurement is defined by drawing an imaginary line between two points on the utility line 100 feet from the corner… … Dictionary of units of measurement
pull strings — Synonyms and related words: act on, angle, approach, bear upon, contrive, draw, draw on, engineer, exert influence, finagle, gerrymander, get cozy with, intrigue, jockey, lead on, lobby, lobby through, machinate, magnetize, make advances, make… … Moby Thesaurus
Q angle — the angle formed by the intersection of a line connecting the center of the patella and the anterior iliac spine (representing the line of pull of the quadriceps tendon) and a line connecting the center of the patella and the center of the tibial … Medical dictionary
Steyr M — Infobox Weapon name=Steyr M caption=Steyr M40A1 origin=flagcountry|Austria type=Semi automatic pistol is ranged=yes service= used by= wars= designer=Steyr Mannlicher design date=1999 manufacturer=Steyr Mannlicher production date= number= variants … Wikipedia
Catenary — This article is about the mathematical curve. For other uses, see Catenary (disambiguation). Chainette redirects here. For the wine grape also known as Chainette, see Cinsaut. A hanging chain forms a catenary … Wikipedia
Anchor — For other uses, see Anchor (disambiguation). Ploudalmézeau, anchor of Amoco Cadiz An anchor is a device, normally made of metal, that is used to connect a vessel to the bed of a body of water to prevent the vessel from drifting due to wind or… … Wikipedia