- flux flow
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
flux — *flow, current, tide, stream, flood Analogous words: swinging or swing, fluctuation, oscillation, wavering, swaying or sway (see corresponding verbs at SWING): shifting, moving (see MOVE vb): *motion, movement, stir … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Flux — Cette page d’homonymie répertorie les différents sujets et articles partageant un même nom. Sur les autres projets Wikimedia : « Flux », sur le Wiktionnaire (dictionnaire universel) Le mot flux (du latin fluxus, écoulement) désigne … Wikipédia en Français
flux — n. & v. n. 1 a process of flowing or flowing out. 2 an issue or discharge. 3 continuous change (in a state of flux). 4 Metallurgy a substance mixed with a metal etc. to promote fusion. 5 Physics a the rate of flow of any fluid across a given area … Useful english dictionary
Flux De Trésorerie — Un flux de trésorerie (cash flow au sens original anglosaxon) est la différence des encaissements (recettes) et des décaissements (dépenses) générés par l activité d une organisation. Contrairement à la capacité d autofinancement (CAF, cash… … Wikipédia en Français
Flux de tresorerie — Flux de trésorerie Un flux de trésorerie (cash flow au sens original anglosaxon) est la différence des encaissements (recettes) et des décaissements (dépenses) générés par l activité d une organisation. Contrairement à la capacité d… … Wikipédia en Français
flow — vb issue, emanate, proceed, stem, derive, *spring, arise, rise, originate Analogous words: emerge, *appear, loom: start, *begin, commence flow n Flow, stream, current, flood, tide, flux are comparable when meaning something issuing or moving in a … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Flux (disambiguation) — Flux comes from Latin and means flow Flux may also refer to:*Flux, a scientific term describing the rate of flow of something through a surface *Magnetic flux, a measure of quantity of magnetism *Electric flux, a measure of quantity of… … Wikipedia
Flux-cored arc welding — (FCAW) is a semi automatic or automatic arc welding process. FCAW requires a continuously fed consumable tubular electrode containing a flux and a constant voltage or, less commonly, a constant electric current welding power supply. An externally … Wikipedia
Flux limiter — Flux limiters are used in high resolution schemes mdash; numerical schemes used to solve problems in science and engineering, particularly fluid dynamics, described by partial differential equations (PDE s). They are used in high resolution… … Wikipedia
flux — [fluks] n. [ME < OFr < L fluxus, a flowing, flow < pp. of fluere, to flow: see FLUCTUATE] 1. a flowing or flow 2. the rate of flow of water, as the tide or current, through a defined area 3. a continuous movement or continual change… … English World dictionary
Flow measurement — is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive displacement flow meters acumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow… … Wikipedia