- flow banding
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Flow banding — is a geological term to describe bands or layers that can sometimes be seen in rock that formed from the substance molten rock or magma. Flow banding is caused by friction of the viscous magma which is in contact with a solid rock interface,… … Wikipedia
flow banding — GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A foliation commonly observed in intermediate and felsic lavas, that results from shearing of the lava during laminar flow (Cas and Wright, 1987, p. 78). In rhyolite flows, flow banding is commonly exhibited by… … Glossary of volcanic terms
banding — The process of differential staining of (usually) metaphase chromosomes of cells to reveal the characteristic patterns of bands that permit identification of individual chromosomes and recognition of missing segments; each of the 22 pairs of… … Medical dictionary
pulmonary artery banding — an operation to provide constriction of the pulmonary artery with a band to reduce pulmonary blood flow and relieve congestive heart failure in children with congenital heart defects that produce left to right shunts between ventricles or the… … Medical dictionary
Igneous differentiation — In geology, igneous differentiation is an umbrella term for the various processes by which magmas undergo bulk chemical change during the partial melting process, cooling, emplacement or eruption. Contents 1 Definitions 1.1 Primary melts 1.2… … Wikipedia
Geology of Jersey — The geology of Jersey is characterised by the Late Proterozoic Brioverian volcanics, the Cadomian Orogeny, and only small signs of later deposits from the Cambrian and Quaternary periods. The kind of rocks go from conglomerate to shale, volcanic … Wikipedia
Meteorological history of Hurricane Jeanne — Hurricane Jeanne Category 3 hurricane (SSHS) The path of Hurricane Jeanne Formed September 13, 2004 Dissipated … Wikipedia
rhyolite — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY Volcanic rock (or lava) that characteristically is light in color, contains 69% silica or more, and is rich in potassium and sodium. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A volcanic rock containing greater than 68% silica … Glossary of volcanic terms
Law of superposition — The law of superposition (or the principle of superposition) is a key axiom based on observations of natural history that is a foundational principle of sedimentary stratigraphy and so of other geology dependent natural sciences: The principle… … Wikipedia
Phenocryst — A phenocryst is a relatively large and usually conspicuous crystal distinctly larger than the grains of the rock groundmass of a porphyritic igneous rock. Phenocrysts often have euhedral forms either due to early growth within a magma or by post… … Wikipedia
Ultramafic to mafic layered intrusions — are found in typically ancient cratons and are rare but worldwide in distribution. The intrusive complexes exhibit evidence of fractional crystallization and crystal segregation by settling or floating of minerals from a melt. Ideally the… … Wikipedia