- flood water
паводковая вода
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
flood water — Waters which escape from stream or other body of water and overflow adjacent territory, under conditions which do not usually occur. Everett v. Davis, 18 Cal.2d 289, 115 P.2d 821, 823, 824. Flood water is the extraordinary overflow of rivers and… … Black's law dictionary
flood water — Waters which escape from stream or other body of water and overflow adjacent territory, under conditions which do not usually occur. Everett v. Davis, 18 Cal.2d 289, 115 P.2d 821, 823, 824. Flood water is the extraordinary overflow of rivers and… … Black's law dictionary
flood water — Water that has overflowed its confines; the water of a flood [1] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
flood water level — potvynio vandens lygis statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Vandens pakilimo aukštis per potvynį. atitikmenys: angl. flood water level; high water level vok. Hochwasserstand, m rus. уровень высоких вод, m … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
flood-water zone — See epiphreas … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
Flood mitigation — involves managing the effects of flooding, rather than trying to prevent it altogether. It is management of people, through measures such as evactuation and properties dry/wet proofing for example.The prevention of flooding can be studied on a… … Wikipedia
Flood control — For the protocol issue, see Flood control (communications). A weir was built on the Humber River (Ontario) to prevent a recurrence of a catastrophic flood. Flood control refers to all methods used to reduce or prevent the detrimental effects of… … Wikipedia
Flood — A flood is an overflow of an expanse of water that submerges land, a deluge.MSN Encarta Dictionary. [http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/DictionaryResults.aspx?refid=1861612277 Flood.] Retrieved on 2006 12 28.] In the sense of… … Wikipedia
Flood bypass — A flood bypass is a region of land or a large man made structure that is designed to convey excess flood waters from a river or stream in order to reduce the risk of flooding on the natural river or stream near a key point of interest, such as a… … Wikipedia
water — As designating a commodity or a subject of ownership, this term has the same meaning in law as in common speech; but in another sense, and especially in the plural, it may designate a body of water, such as a river, a lake, or an ocean, or an… … Black's law dictionary
Flood (video game) — Infobox VG title = Flood developer = Bullfrog Productions publisher = Electronic Arts designer = engine = released = 1990 genre = Platform modes = Single player ratings = N/A platforms = Amiga, Atari ST media = requirements = input = Flood is a… … Wikipedia