- floe berg
• большой обломок льда, выброшенный на берег• глыба торосистого льда• флоберг
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
floe|berg — «FLOH BURG», noun. a large mass of ice formed from floes heaped up by the action of the wind and waves … Useful english dictionary
berg — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, calf, cryosphere, firn, floe, frazil, frozen water, glaciation, glacier, glacieret, glaze, glazed frost, granular snow, ground ice, growler, ice, ice banner, ice barrier, ice belt, ice cave, ice cubes, ice… … Moby Thesaurus
floe — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, berg, calf, cryosphere, firn, frazil, frozen water, glaciation, glacier, glacieret, glaze, glazed frost, granular snow, ground ice, growler, ice, ice banner, ice barrier, ice belt, ice cave, ice cubes, ice… … Moby Thesaurus
floe — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. berg, ice floe, icefield; see iceberg … English dictionary for students
iceberg — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. berg, floe, ice pack or sheet, glacier. See cold. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. ice sheet, ice field, floe, berg, snowberg, icecap, ice shelf, ice pack, ice mass, growler*; see also ice … English dictionary for students
Cold — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Cold >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 cold cold coldness &c. >Adj. Sgm: N 1 frigidity frigidity inclemency fresco GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 winter winter Sgm: N 2 depth of winter … English dictionary for students
floeberg — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : a mass of hummocky floe ice resembling an iceberg * * * /floh berrg/, n. a mass of ice floes resembling an iceberg. [1875 80; FLOE + BERG; modeled on iceberg] … Useful english dictionary
floeberg — /floh berrg/, n. a mass of ice floes resembling an iceberg. [1875 80; FLOE + BERG; modeled on iceberg] * * * … Universalium
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition — The Imperial Trans Antarctic Expedition (1914–17), also known as the Endurance Expedition, was the last major expedition of the Heroic Age of Antarctic Exploration. Conceived by Sir Ernest Shackleton, the expedition sought to achieve the first… … Wikipedia
arctic — arctically, adv. /ahrk tik/ or, esp. for 7, /ahr tik/, adj. 1. (often cap.) of, pertaining to, or located at or near the North Pole: the arctic region. 2. coming from the North Pole or the arctic region: an arctic wind. 3. characteristic of the… … Universalium
calf — Synonyms and related words: Brahman, Dry Ice, Indian buffalo, ankle, aurochs, bayonet legs, beef, beef cattle, beeves, berg, birdling, bison, bossy, bovine, bovine animal, bowlegs, buffalo, bull, bullock, carabao, catling, cattle, chick,… … Moby Thesaurus