- flaxseed ore
оолитовая руда
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Algae — For other uses, see Algae (disambiguation) and Alga (disambiguation). Algae Laurencia, a marine genus of Red Algae from Hawaii. Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Manitoba — Manitoban, adj., n. /man i toh beuh/, n. 1. a province in central Canada. 1,005,953; 246,512 sq. mi. (638,466 sq. km). Abbr.: Man. Cap.: Winnipeg. 2. Lake, a lake in the S part of this province. 120 mi. (195 km) long; 1817 sq. mi. (4705 sq. km).… … Universalium