- flat back
нулевой уклон
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
flat back — noun : a book backbone made without rounding and sometimes without backing; also : a book so bound or the style of binding featuring this construction * * * 1. a book spine presenting a completely flat surface. 2. a book bound with such a spine.… … Useful english dictionary
flat back — a back that appears flat as a result of a decrease of normal lumbar lordosis and normal thoracic kyphosis … Medical dictionary
flat back — 1. a book spine presenting a completely flat surface. 2. a book bound with such a spine. [1900 05] * * * … Universalium
Flat back — Плоский [прямой] корешок … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
flat back four — noun collectively, a set of defenders who stay on the same level on the pitch … Wiktionary
flat-back stope — noun : an overhand stope in which the ore is mined in successive horizontal cuts … Useful english dictionary
Flat cap — Side View Flat Cap Frontal A flat cap is a rounde … Wikipedia
Flat (ruta) — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Esquema de una ruta flat Una ruta flat es un patrón hecho en el fútbol americano usado en jugadas por pase. Es realizada normalmente por un running back o un fullback. El receptor elegible corre en paralelo a la… … Wikipedia Español
(flat) on your back — idiom (informal) in bed because you are ill/sick • She s been flat on her back for over a week now. • (figurative) The UK market … Useful english dictionary
flat — flat1 [flat] adj. flatter, flattest [ME < ON flatr, akin to OHG flaz < IE * plāt, plēt , wide, flat (> Gr platys, broad, OE flet, floor) < base * plā , broad] 1. having a smooth, level surface; having little or no depression or… … English World dictionary
Flat-fee MLS — (sometimes referred to as flat rate mls or fixed fee mls ) refers to the practice in the real estate industry of placing pertinent information about a property for sale into the database of the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) for a set fee… … Wikipedia