- flaccid
- слабый, неплотный, мягкий (напр. об осадке, отложениях)
* * *• мягкий• неплотный• слабый
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
flaccid — flac cid (fl[a^]k s[i^]d or fl[a^]s s[i^]d), a. [L. flaccidus, fr. flaccus flabby: cf. OF. flaccide.] Yielding to pressure for want of firmness and stiffness; soft and weak; limber; lax; drooping; flabby; as, a flaccid muscle; flaccid flesh.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flaccid — [flak′sid; ] often [ flas′id] adj. [L flaccidus < flaccus, flabby] 1. hanging in loose folds or wrinkles; soft and limp; flabby [flaccid muscles] 2. lacking force; weak; feeble flaccidity n. flaccidly adv … English World dictionary
flaccid — index powerless Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
flaccid — (adj.) 1610s, from Fr. flaccide or directly from L. flaccidus flabby, from flaccus flabby, flap eared, of uncertain origin (OED suggests it s onomatopoeic). Related: Flaccidly; flaccidity … Etymology dictionary
flaccid — flabby, floppy, *limp, flimsy, sleazy Analogous words: slack, relaxed, lax, *loose: unnerved, enervated, emasculated (see UNNERVE): weakened, debilitated, enfeebled, sapped (see WEAKEN) Antonyms: resilient Contrasted words: Clastic, springy,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
flaccid — The recommended pronunciation is flak sid, not flas id … Modern English usage
flaccid — [adj] drooping debilitated, emasculated, enervated, enfeebled, flabby, flimsy, inelastic, irresilient, lax, limp, loose, nerveless, quaggy, sapped, slack, soft, weak, weakened; concepts 485,604 Ant. firm, taut, tight … New thesaurus
flaccid — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ soft and limp. DERIVATIVES flaccidity noun flaccidly adverb. ORIGIN French flaccide, from Latin flaccus flabby … English terms dictionary
flaccid — UK [ˈflæsɪd] / US / UK [ˈflæksɪd] / US adjective 1) a) flaccid skin or muscles are loose and soft b) medical a flaccid penis is not hard 2) a flaccid argument or idea is not effective The article s thesis is flaccid and misguided … English dictionary
flaccid — flac|cid [ flæksıd, flæsıd ] adjective 1. ) flaccid skin or muscles are loose and soft a ) MEDICAL a flaccid PENIS is not hard 2. ) a flaccid argument or idea is not effective … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
flaccid — adjective Etymology: Latin flaccidus, from flaccus flabby Date: 1620 1. a. not firm or stiff; also lacking normal or youthful firmness < flaccid muscles > b. of a plant part deficient in turgor 2. lacking vigor or force … New Collegiate Dictionary