- firn ice
фирновый лед
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Ice core — An ice core is a core sample from the accumulation of snow and ice over many years that have re crystallized and have trapped air bubbles from previous time periods. The composition of these ice cores, especially the presence of hydrogen and… … Wikipedia
Firn — is partially compacted névé, a type of snow that has been left over from past seasons and has been recrystallized into a substance denser than névé. It is ice that is at an intermediate stage between snow and glacial ice. Firn has the appearance… … Wikipedia
firn — /fearn/, n. névé. [1850 55; < G (Swiss), n. use of firn last year s, old; c. OE fyrn former, ancient, Goth fairneis; akin to ON forn ancient. See BEFORE] * * * ▪ geology (German: “of last year”),also called Névé, partially compacted… … Universalium
Ice — This article is about water ice. For the broader concept of ices as used in the planetary sciences, see volatiles. For other uses, see Ice (disambiguation) … Wikipedia
ice — iceless, adj. icelike, adj. /uys/, n., v., iced, icing, adj. n. 1. the solid form of water, produced by freezing; frozen water. 2. the frozen surface of a body of water. 3. any substance resembling frozen water: camphor ice … Universalium
ice — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, French ice cream, Freon, Italian ice, air condition, air cool, alabaster, ammonia, berg, bijouterie, billiard table, blast, blast freeze, blast frozen, blight, blot out, bowling alley, bowling green, bubble,… … Moby Thesaurus
ice pack — Synonyms and related words: Dry Ice, air cooler, berg, calf, chiller, cold pack, cooler, cryosphere, fan, firn, floe, frazil, frozen water, glaciation, glacier, glacieret, glaze, glazed frost, granular snow, ground ice, growler, ice, ice bag, ice … Moby Thesaurus
firn — partially packed snow which lasts through at least one summer. The partial melting of the upper layer increases the density of the snow below. After a couple of decades of compaction and the addition of meltwater to squeeze out air, the firn… … Geography glossary
Glacier ice accumulation — occurs through accumulation of snow and other frozen precipitation, as well as through other means including rime ice (freezing of water vapor on the glacier surface), avalanching from hanging glaciers on cliffs and mountainsides above, and re… … Wikipedia
iced firn — noun : a mixture of ice and firn … Useful english dictionary
iceberg — /uys berrg/, n. 1. a large floating mass of ice, detached from a glacier and carried out to sea. 2. Informal. an emotionally cold person. 3. Australian Informal. a person who swims or surfs regularly in winter. 4. tip of the iceberg, the first… … Universalium