- fire-proof
• несгораемый• огнестойкий
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
fire|proof — «FYR PROOF», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. that will not burn, or will not burn easily: »Asbestos is fireproof. SYNONYM(S): incombustible. 2. that is relatively hard to set fire to; not easily destroyed by fire: »A building made entirely of steel and … Useful english dictionary
fire|proof|ing — «FYR PROO fihng», noun. material for use in making anything fireproof … Useful english dictionary
fire-proof material — ugniai atspari medžiaga statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. fire proof material vok. feuerbeständiger Werkstoff, m; feuerfester Werkstoff, m rus. огнеупорный материал, m pranc. matériau réfractaire, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
fire-proof — resistant to flames or fire, incombustible … English contemporary dictionary
fire-proof — … Useful english dictionary
fire-proof clothing — attire that is resistant to flames … English contemporary dictionary
proof — above·proof; ap·proof; blow·proof; coun·ter·proof; damp·proof·er; dis·proof; freeze·proof; proof; proof·er; proof·less; proof·ness; proof·read; re·proof; rust·proof·er; semi·proof; wa·ter·proof·er; drown·proof·ing; damp·proof; fire·proof·ness;… … English syllables
Fire pot — A fire pot is a container, usually earthenware, for carrying fire. Fire pots have been used since prehistoric times to transport fire from one place to another, for warmth while on the move, for cooking, in religious ceremonies and even as… … Wikipedia
Fire flapper (tool) — A flapper is a wildland firefighting tool also called a swatter or a beater. It is designed for extinguishing minor fires in rural areas such as heaths. A flapper is built with a long handle and a series of lamellas which allows firefighters to… … Wikipedia
proof-test — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ transitive verb : to fire proof loads in (a firearm) * * * proof test «PROOF TEHST», transitive verb. to subject (a product or material) to a conclusive test of its capacities or condition: »to proof test a missile or a nuclear reactor … Useful english dictionary
fire — bale·fire; bon·fire; en·fire; fire; fire·blende; fire·bote; fire·less; fire·man; fire·man·ic; fire·man·ship; mar·fire; ret·ro·fire; mis·fire; fire·boot; fire·proof·ness; … English syllables