- finely granular
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
finely — adverb 1. in tiny pieces (Freq. 2) the surfaces were finely granular • Ant: ↑coarsely • Derived from adjective: ↑fine 2. in an elegant manner (Freq. 2) finely costume … Useful english dictionary
Auer bodies — finely granular lamellar bodies having acid phosphatase activity; they are found in the cytoplasm of myeloblasts, myelocytes, monoblasts, granular histiocytes, and occasionally plasma cells, but never lymphoblasts or lymphocytes; their presence… … Medical dictionary
Cast — 1) A protective shell of plaster and bandage molded to protect a broken or fractured limb as it heals. 2) An abnormal mass of dead cells that forms in a body cavity. * * * 1. An object formed by the solidification of a liquid poured into a mold.… … Medical dictionary
Alunite — Alunite, or alumstone, is a mineral that was first observed in the 15th century in Monti della Tolfa, north to Rome, where it was mined for the manufacture of alum. First called aluminilite by J.C. Delametherie in 1707, this name was contracted… … Wikipedia
Granuloreticulosea — Gran·u·lo·re·tic·u·lo·sea (gran″u lo rə tik″u loґse ə) [granulo + reticular] a class of ameboid protozoa (superclass Rhizopoda, subphylum Sarcodina), the organisms of which have delicate, finely granular or hyaline… … Medical dictionary
Kidney — One of a pair of organs located in the right and left side of the abdomen which clear "poisons" from the blood, regulate acid concentration and maintain water balance in the body by excreting urine. The kidneys are part of the urinary… … Medical dictionary
Melanin — Not to be confused with melamine, melatonin, or Melanotan (disambiguation). Melanin pigment (dark granular material center of image) in a pigmented melanoma. Pap stain. Melanin … Wikipedia
Hodgkin's lymphoma — Hodgkin lymphoma Classification and external resources Micrograph showing Hodgkin s lymphoma (Field stain). ICD 10 C … Wikipedia
plasmatocytes — n. pl. [Gr. plasma, formed or molded; kytos, container] Small to large polymorphic hemocytes with a round to elongate nucleus and with either homogeneous or finely granular or finely vacuolated cytoplasm … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Lymph — Lymph, n. [L. lympha: cf. F. lymphe.] 1. A spring of water; hence, water, or a pure, transparent liquid like water. [1913 Webster] A fountain bubbled up, whose lymph serene Nothing of earthly mixture might distain. Trench. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Lymph corpuscles — Lymph Lymph, n. [L. lympha: cf. F. lymphe.] 1. A spring of water; hence, water, or a pure, transparent liquid like water. [1913 Webster] A fountain bubbled up, whose lymph serene Nothing of earthly mixture might distain. Trench. [1913 Webster] 2 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English