- field trials
• опытно-методические исследования• опытные полевые работы
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
field-trials — ● field trial, field trials nom masculin (anglais field, champ, et trial, concours) Concours destiné à juger les qualités des chiens de chasse … Encyclopédie Universelle
Field Trials Search — A competition for certain hound or sporting breeds in which dogs are judged on ability and style in finding or retrieving game or following a game trail. In retriever field trials, they are judged according to standardized objectives, and also … Hunting glossary
field trials — / fi:ld traɪəlz/, field tests / fi:ld tests/ plural noun a test of a new product or of something such as an advertisement on real customers … Marketing dictionary in english
field-trial — ● field trial, field trials nom masculin (anglais field, champ, et trial, concours) Concours destiné à juger les qualités des chiens de chasse … Encyclopédie Universelle
Field trial — A field trial is a competitive event at which hunting dogs compete against one another. Field trials are usually organized by kennel clubs or other gun dog organizations. Field trials are generally considered more competitive than hunt tests in… … Wikipedia
field trial — 1. a competition among sporting dogs under natural conditions in the field, in which the animals are judged on the basis of excellence of performance in hunting. 2. a trial of a new product or procedure to determine its efficiency or usefulness… … Universalium
field — 1 /fi:ld/ noun (C) 1 FARM an area of land where crops are grown or animals feed on grass: a field of wheat 2 SUBJECT a subject that people study or are involved in as part of their work (+ of): He s well known in the field of ancient history. |… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
field — field1 W1S1 [fi:ld] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(farm)¦ 2¦(subject)¦ 3¦(sport)¦ 4¦(practical work)¦ 5¦(competitors)¦ 6 magnetic/gravitational/force field 7 coal/oil/gas field 8 the field (of battle) 9 field of vision/view … Dictionary of contemporary English
Field-tube boiler — Field tube, sectioned A Field tube boiler (also known as a bayonet tube[1] ) is a form of water tube boiler where the water tubes are single ended. The tubes are closed at one end, and they contain a concentric inner tube. Flow is thus separated… … Wikipedia
Field experiment — A field experiment applies the scientific method to experimentally examine an intervention in the real world (or as many experimental economists like to say, naturally occurring environments) rather than in the laboratory. Field experiments, like … Wikipedia
Field hunter — A field hunter, or a fox hunter, is a type of horse used in the hunt field for foxhunting. It may be of any breed, but should possess stamina, a level head, and bravery. The horse should have a safe jump, so as not to get caught on any of the… … Wikipedia