- faujasite
- фоязит, фожазит, (Na2Ca)Al2Si40i2 • 6Н20
* * *фоязит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Faujasite — is a mineral from the family of zeolites. It occurs in natural form and is also synthesized industrially.HistoryFaujasite was discovered in 1842 by Damour and is named for Barthélemy Faujas de Saint Fond, a French geologist and… … Wikipedia
Faujasite — La faujasite est un minéral tectosilicate de la famille des zéolithes. Inventeur et étymologie Décrite par Alexis Damour en 1842, et dédiée à Barthélemy Faujas de Saint Fond. Optique En diffractométrie de rayons X, la faujasite possède des pics… … Wikipédia en Français
faujasite — ▪ mineral hydrated sodium and calcium aluminosilicate mineral that is a rare member of the zeolite family. Faujasite somewhat resembles chabazite in chemical composition, crystal structure, and distribution. Isolated specimens of the… … Universalium
faujasite — A naturally occurring zeolite mineral. The synthetic zeolites X and Y have the same crystallographic structure as Faujasite … Petroleum refining glossary
faujasite — noun A zeolite mineral consisting of sodalite cages connected through hexagonal prisms … Wiktionary
faujasite — fau·ja·site … English syllables
faujasite — ˈfōzhəˌsīt, ˌzīt noun ( s) Etymology: French, from Barthélemy Faujas de Saint Fond died 1819 French geologist + French ite : a mineral (Na2,Ca)Al2Si4O12.6H2O consisting of a colorless or white hydrous aluminosilicate of sodium and calcium… … Useful english dictionary
type Y zeolite — Faujasite zeolite with ratio of Si/Al greater than 1.5. Y zeolites have pores the size of common molecules and are very useful in refining reactions … Petroleum refining glossary
Faujasit-Ca — Faujasit Na, Faujasit Ca, Faujasit Mg Bild eventuell bei Commons Chemische Formel (Na,Ca0,5,Mg0,5,K)x(AlxSi12 xO24) ‣ 16H2O Mineralklasse Silicate und Germanate Gerüstsilikate 9.GD.30 (nach Strunz) Kristallsystem kubisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Faujasit-Mg — Faujasit Na, Faujasit Ca, Faujasit Mg Bild eventuell bei Commons Chemische Formel (Na,Ca0,5,Mg0,5,K)x(AlxSi12 xO24) ‣ 16H2O Mineralklasse Silicate und Germanate Gerüstsilikate 9.GD.30 (nach Strunz) Kristallsystem kubisch … Deutsch Wikipedia
Faujasit-Na — Faujasit Na, Faujasit Ca, Faujasit Mg Bild eventuell bei Commons Chemische Formel (Na,Ca0,5,Mg0,5,K)x(AlxSi12 xO24) ‣ 16H2O Mineralklasse Silicate und Germanate Gerüstsilikate 9.GD.30 (nach Strunz) Kristallsystem kubisch … Deutsch Wikipedia