- analcite-syenite
анальцимовый сиенит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Leucite — is a rock forming mineral composed of potassium and aluminium tectosilicate K [AlSi2O6] . Crystals have the form of cubic icositetrahedra but, as first observed by Sir David Brewster in 1821, they are not optically isotropic, and are therefore… … Wikipedia
Phonolite — Aegirine phonolite. Dark prismatic minerals are aegirine phenocrysts. Phonolite is a rare igneous, volcanic (extrusive) rock of intermediate (between felsic and mafic) composition, with aphanitic to porphyritic texture. The name phonolite comes… … Wikipedia
List of chemistry topics — This page aims to list articles related to chemistry. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related Changes in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page.This list is not necessarily… … Wikipedia