- explosive gas
гремучий газ
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
explosive gas — Смотри генераторный газ … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
explosive gas — Смотри взрывоопасный газ … Энциклопедический словарь по металлургии
Gas dynamic laser — (GDL) is laser based on differences in relaxation velocities of molecular vibrational states.The laser medium gas has such properties that an energetically lower vibrational state relaxes faster than a higher vibrational state,thus a population… … Wikipedia
explosive — [[t]ɪksplo͟ʊsɪv[/t]] explosives 1) N VAR An explosive is a substance or device that can cause an explosion. ...one hundred and fifty pounds of Semtex explosive... There were traces of explosives in the bedroom. 2) ADJ GRADED Something that is… … English dictionary
Explosive detection — is a non destructive inspection process to determine whether a container contains explosive material. Explosive detection is commonly used at airports, ports and for border control.Detection toolsDogsSpecially trained dogs can be used to detect… … Wikipedia
Explosive velocity — Explosive velocity, also known as detonation velocity or velocity of detonation (VoD), is the velocity at which the shock wave front travels through a detonated explosive. The data listed for a specific substance is usually a rough prediction… … Wikipedia
Gas — (g[a^]s), n.; pl. {Gases} (g[a^]s [e^]z). [Invented by the chemist Van Helmont of Brussels, who died in 1644.] 1. An a[ e]riform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gas battery — Gas Gas (g[a^]s), n.; pl. {Gases} (g[a^]s [e^]z). [Invented by the chemist Van Helmont of Brussels, who died in 1644.] 1. An a[ e]riform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gas carbon — Gas Gas (g[a^]s), n.; pl. {Gases} (g[a^]s [e^]z). [Invented by the chemist Van Helmont of Brussels, who died in 1644.] 1. An a[ e]riform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gas coal — Gas Gas (g[a^]s), n.; pl. {Gases} (g[a^]s [e^]z). [Invented by the chemist Van Helmont of Brussels, who died in 1644.] 1. An a[ e]riform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Gas coke — Gas Gas (g[a^]s), n.; pl. {Gases} (g[a^]s [e^]z). [Invented by the chemist Van Helmont of Brussels, who died in 1644.] 1. An a[ e]riform fluid; a term used at first by chemists as synonymous with air, but since restricted to fluids supposed to be … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English