exploration effort

exploration effort
разведочные работы

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "exploration effort" в других словарях:

  • exploration — [ ɛksplɔrasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1455, repris 1797; lat. exploratio 1 ♦ Action d explorer (un pays, une région). L exploration de l Afrique, du Congo à l Éthiopie, par la mission Marchand. Partir en exploration. ⇒ découverte, expédition , voyage… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Exploration of the Moon — Apollo 12 lunar module Intrepid prepares to descend towards the surface of the Moon. NASA photo. The physical exploration of the Moon began when Luna 2, a space probe launched by the Soviet Union, made an impact on the surface of the Moon on …   Wikipedia

  • Exploration of Mars — Viking Lander 2 site May 1979 Viking Lander 1 site February 1978 The exploration of Mars has been an importan …   Wikipedia

  • space exploration — Investigation of the universe beyond Earth s atmosphere by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft. Study of the use of rockets for spaceflight began early in the 20th century. Germany s research on rocket propulsion in the 1930s led to… …   Universalium

  • Space Exploration Alliance — On June 3, 2004, thirteen of the United States premier space advocacy groups, industry associations and space policy organizations teamed up to form an umbrella organization known as the Space Exploration Alliance. The primary purpose of the SEA… …   Wikipedia

  • History of the petroleum industry in Canada (frontier exploration and development) — discoveries took place near population centres or along lines of penetration into the frontier. The first oil play, for example, was in southern Ontario. The first western natural gas discovery occurred on a Canadian Pacific Railway right of way …   Wikipedia

  • Orex Exploration — Inc. Type Public (TSX V: OX) Industry Mining Founded 1987 …   Wikipedia

  • Mars Exploration Rover — Artist s conception of rover on Mars Part of a panorama taken by the Spi …   Wikipedia

  • Mineral exploration — is the process of finding ore (commercially viable concentrations of minerals) to mine. Mineral exploration is a much more intensive, organized and professional form of mineral prospecting and, though it frequently uses the services of… …   Wikipedia

  • Mars Exploration Rovers — Mars Exploration Rover Illustration artistique du robot Mars Exploration Rover (MER) est une mission spatiale initiée par les États Unis et confiée à la NASA sur la planète Mars. Elle a pour but une exploration géologique de la planète Mars à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Mission Mars Exploration Rover — Mars Exploration Rover Illustration artistique du robot Mars Exploration Rover (MER) est une mission spatiale initiée par les États Unis et confiée à la NASA sur la planète Mars. Elle a pour but une exploration géologique de la planète Mars à la… …   Wikipédia en Français

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