- event tracking
• прослеживание волн• прослеживание горизонтов
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Event chain methodology — project management. [Virine, L. and Trumper M., Project Decisions: The Art and Science (2007). Management Concepts. Vienna, VA, ISBN 978 1567262179 ] .Event chain methodology helps to mitigate effect motivational and cognitive biases in… … Wikipedia
Tracking trial — A Tracking trial is an event to encourage dogs to make use of their strongest facility, the ability to follow a scent trail. The competition emulates the finding of a lost person or article in a situation where the performance of the dog can be… … Wikipedia
Supply Chain Event Management — (SCEM) ist ein Konzept zur Erreichung unternehmensübergreifender Transparenz logistischer Prozesse, das die rechtzeitige Reaktion auf kritische Ausnahmeereignisse ( Events ) in Lieferketten ermöglicht. [1][2][3] SCEM ist abzugrenzen vom reinen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Voice-tracking — Not to be confused with Voice over. Voice tracking, also called cyber jocking and referred to sometimes colloquially as a robojock, is a technique employed by some radio stations in radio broadcasting to produce the illusion of a live disc jockey … Wikipedia
Eye tracking — is the process of measuring either the point of gaze ( where we are looking ) or the motion of an eye relative to the head. An eye tracker is a device for measuring eye positions and eye movement. Eye trackers are used in research on the visual… … Wikipedia
Vehicle tracking system — A vehicle tracking system combines the installation of an electronic device in a vehicle, or fleet of vehicles, with purpose designed computer software at least at one operational base to enable the owner or a third party to track the vehicle s… … Wikipedia
E-mail tracking — is a method for monitoring the e mail delivery to intended recipient. Most tracking technologies utilize some form of digitally time stamped record to reveal the exact time and date that your e mail was received or opened, as well the IP address… … Wikipedia
Impact event — Artist s impression of a major impact event. The collision between Earth and an asteroid a few kilometers in diameter may release as much energy as several million nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously. An impact event is the collision of a… … Wikipedia
4.2 kiloyear event — The 4.2 kiloyear BP aridification event was one of the most severe climatic events of the Holocene period in terms of impact on cultural upheaval. Starting in ≈2200 BC, it probably lasted the entire 22nd century BC. It is very likely that it… … Wikipedia
Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking — (NEAT) is a program run by NASA and Jet Propulsion Laboratory to discover near Earth objects. The NEAT project began in December 1995 and ran until April 2007.[1] Contents 1 History 2 See also 3 … Wikipedia
BBC Online — URL bbc.co.uk Commercial? No Type of site Portal … Wikipedia