- eustasy
• колебания уровня моря под влиянием вращения земли• эвстазия
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
eustasy — ► NOUN ▪ a change of sea level throughout the world, caused typically by movements of parts of the earth s crust or melting of glaciers. DERIVATIVES eustatic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek eu well + statikos static … English terms dictionary
eustasy — or eustacy [yo͞o′stə sē] n. pl. eustasies, eustacies a uniform, worldwide change in the water level of the oceans eustatic [yo͞o stat′ik] adj … English World dictionary
eustasy — eustatic /yooh stat ik/, adj. eustatically, adv. /yooh steuh see/, n., pl. eustasies. Geol. any uniformly global change of sea level that may reflect a change in the quantity of water in the ocean, or a change in the shape and capacity of the… … Universalium
eustasy — worldwide simultaneous change in sea level … Dictionary of ichthyology
eustasy — noun /ˈjuːstəsiː/ A worldwide change in sea level, especially one caused by melting ice. See Also: eustatic … Wiktionary
eustasy — [ ju:stəsi] noun a change of sea level throughout the world, caused typically by movements of parts of the earth s crust or melting of glaciers. Derivatives eustatic adjective Origin 1940s: back form. from eustatic, coined in Ger. from Gk eu well … English new terms dictionary
eustasy — /ˈjustəsi/ (say yoohstuhsee) noun a worldwide change in sea level due to an increase or decrease in the volume of water in the seas, as caused by the melting of ice sheets. {eu + Greek stasis standing} –eustatic /juˈstætɪk/ (say yooh statik),… …
eustasy — n. a change in sea level throughout the world caused by tectonic movements, melting of glaciers, etc. Derivatives: eustatic adj. Etymology: back form. f. G eustatisch (adj.) (as EU , STATIC) … Useful english dictionary
Эвстазия — (Eustasy)Eustasy, медленное изменение уровня океана, происходящее в результате таяния льда, движения океанического дна или процессов осадконакопления … Страны мира. Словарь
eustatic — eustasy ► NOUN ▪ a change of sea level throughout the world, caused typically by movements of parts of the earth s crust or melting of glaciers. DERIVATIVES eustatic adjective. ORIGIN from Greek eu well + statikos static … English terms dictionary
Marine terrace — A marine terrace, coastal terrace[1], raised beach or perched coastline is a relatively flat, horizontal or gently inclined surface of marine origin[2], mostly an old abrasion platform which has been lifted out of the sphere of wave activity… … Wikipedia